MARCH 26, 2023
Welcome dear readers.
The world seems to have become increasingly polarized with duality seeming to affect every aspect of daily living. Some live in great wealth while others live in fear and poverty struggling simply to survive. Women are treated as non-people in some countries while in others they hold positions of authority and are respected. Manifestations of duality, separation, and two powers seem to be increasing rather than diminishing.
世界似乎變得越來越兩極分化,二元性似乎影響著日常生活的方方面面。 有些人生活在巨大的財富中,而另一些人則生活在恐懼與貧困裡,只是為了生存而掙扎。在一些國家,婦女被視為非人,而在其他國家,她們擔任權威職位並受到尊重。二元性、分離和兩種權力的表現似乎在增加而不是減少。
Many of these issues are not new but seem new to many because they have always been ignored, hidden, or simply considered normal. Now for the first time increasingly more of these manifestations are being recognized and questioned. The high resonating energies flowing to earth at this time as well as the presence of many evolved states of consciousness are acting to open minds and hearts allowing people to see the world in ways they were previously ignorant of or simply without thought, accepted.
其中許多問題並不新鮮,但對許多人來說似乎很新鮮,因為它們一直被忽略、隱藏或僅僅被認為是正常的。現在,越來越多的這些表現形式首次得到承認和質疑。 此時流向地球的高共振能量及許多進化意識狀態的存在正在發揮作用,以打開思想和心靈,讓人們以他們以前不知道、或根本沒有思考過、接受過的方式看待世界。
When an individual reaches a place of spiritual receptivity, their consciousness begins opening to truth. Just the tiniest bit of spiritual insight often indicates spiritual awakening. This is happening for many at this time and can be observed as increasingly more individuals begin recognizing that most of the world's problems are a result of laws, beliefs, concepts, traditions, and religious rules that have been accepted and even embraced by the majority simply because they were promoted by those in positions of authority.
Throughout time "leaders" in every field have forced or bought their way into positions of power. Even today there are those in government, finance, business, organized religion, education, and health who promote agendas disguised as being "for the good of the people" but which are primarily meant to serve themselves and their cronies. The three dimensional world has simply accepted this because the collective belief in separation has programmed the majority to believe that others (those in power, experts, religious leaders etc.) know better than they do what is best for them. As eyes begin to open many are going to discover that the 'emperor has no clothes '.
Portals of high resonating energy are now open and flowing. Even though you may not yet be seeing the changes you have hoped for or expected, most of you are experiencing these energies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Meditation is getting easier. You may find that you have become more discerning and are now questioning what you are told. Things you previously gave importance to have begun to feel unimportant and irrelevant. You begin to recognize the debris in your personal belief system and discover that many of the things you have always considered as being necessary for happiness (foods, entertainments, relationships, religious beliefs) simply aren't.
On the other hand, the presence of high resonating Light is also serving to expose pockets of obsolete energy needing to be recognized, acknowledged, and released--presently being experienced by many as physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual discords that seem to come from nowhere. Trust and allow the process dear ones, always remembering that your Higher Self is always running the show, not three dimensional concepts and beliefs.
另一方面,高共振光的存在也有助於暴露需要被識別、承認和釋放的過時能量口袋——目前被許多人體驗為身體、情感、心智,甚至精神上的不和諧,似乎 來自無處。相信並允許這個過程,親愛的,永遠記住你的高我總是在主持節目,而不是三維概念和信念。
Trust that there is a Divine plan and allow it to unfold without resistance. Resistance is a natural human response to anything unwanted, but resistance is a form of energy that simply feeds and gives power to the appearance being resisted. Non-resistance does not mean ignoring an issue, or saying; "God is all, this isn't real" all the while struggling with some physical or emotional issue.
相信有一個神聖的計劃,並讓它毫無阻力地展開。抵抗是人類對任何不想要的事物的自然反應,但抵抗是一種能量形式,它只是為被抵抗的外表提供能量。 不抵抗並不意味著忽視一個問題,或者說; “上帝就是一切,這不是真的”一直在與一些身體或情感問題作鬥爭。
Spiritual non-resistance is doing what you are guided to do but doing it without giving the situation power or reality through the realization that although everything in the third dimension has an underlying reality, three dimensional creations have no law to maintain or sustain them, are not God ordained, and simply manifest three dimensional beliefs which is why they are always temporary.
It is difficult to trust that there is a Divine Plan when you witness the suffering of so many or when everything that seems to hold your life in order begins to crumble. However, anyone honestly seeking truth must trust the reality of who and what they are. Those who live three dimensional lives in the belief that they are just a physical body subject to all the diseases, accidents, lacks and limitations of the third dimensional belief system, will simply continue to create and suffer from the creations of their consciousness.
It is time to really, truly, and honestly accept that a consciousness of oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with all that God is and therefore there is no need to continue constantly seeking good from the outer world. As this becomes your state of consciousness, the abundance, harmony, creativity, completeness, intelligence etc. etc. already fully present in your individualized Divine Consciousness will begin to manifest in seemingly ordinary ways and without effort.
You who read these messages are spiritually prepared to live from a consciousness of trust, in the realization that whatever is taking place in your life at this time is part of an unstoppable evolutionary process that is lovingly guiding you out of a conditioned consciousness of duality, separation, and two powers and into the reality of Divine Consciousness already fully present within you.
閱讀這些信息的你在靈性上準備好在信任的意識中生活,意識到此時你生命中發生的一切,都是不可阻擋的進化過程的一部分,這個過程正在親切地引導你脫離受制約的二元意識, 分離,兩種力量,進入已經完全呈現在你內在的神聖意識的實相。
You must be willing to surrender concepts and beliefs based in duality, separation, and two powers even if doing this separates you from the beliefs of some close to you. There is no need to broadcast the changes you make within or attempt to "save" others through them. Make these choices silently and secretly, living them to the best of your ability. Your trust in the truth rather than in world concepts about truth will allow you to recognize and release anything still holding you in bondage to the false.
Many ready to move into a deeper state of consciousness say; "I have been unloving and unkind. I have hurt others. I am not worthy, I am not ready. I have been a bad person and must atone for my sins before I am ready." HEAR THIS--Human beings never have been and never can be worthy. You are not a human being but are a Divine Being living in dense energy and having three dimensional experiences. It is impossible for anyone to be unworthy whether they believe it or not. Concepts and beliefs of "unworthiness" represent nothing more than spiritual ignorance taught and promoted by those as of yet unaware of truth.
許多準備進入更深層次意識狀態的人說; “我一直沒有愛心和不友善。我傷害了別人。我不值得,我沒有準備好。我是一個壞人,必須在我準備好之前贖罪。” 聽聽這個——人類從來沒有、也永遠不會有價值。你不是一個"人",而是一個生活在密集能量中,並擁有三維體驗的"神性存有"。不管信與不信,任何人都不可能不配。“不值得”的概念和信念只不過是那些尚未意識到真理的人,所教導和促進的精神無知。
Do you really believe in one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God? If so, then where could a person filled with sin and error possibly come from? What would they be made of? Where would this sin and error come from if God is omnipresent? You are ready to lift the foot that remains planted in the third dimension up and out, placing it fully alongside the other in the world of God's creating. No one can move into alignment with the high resonating energies of a new earth while continuing to grasp tightly to familiar but low resonating energies they have outgrown.
你真的相信一位無所不在、無所不知、無所不能的神嗎?如果是這樣,那麼充滿罪惡和錯誤的人可能來自哪裡?它們由什麼製成? 如果神無所不在,這些罪惡和錯誤從何而來? 你已經準備好將仍然植根於第三維度的腳向上和向外抬起,將它與另一隻腳完全並排放置在神創造的世界中。沒有人可以與新地球的高共振能量保持一致的同時、繼續緊緊抓住他們長大了已經熟悉但低共振的能量。
Spiritual trust is not a blind faith in some nebulous giving and withholding God. Rather it is accepting that because you are the manifestation/expression of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness, you embody all that God is, making everything unlike God, illusion.
Do what you are guided to do when three dimensional experiences demand practical three dimensional actions but always remain centered in the knowledge and trust that your Higher Self is guiding you through every experience toward full remembrance of who you already are but have forgotten.
Trust that you are being guided in every moment regardless of how difficult your human world may seem because ONEness is the reality.
Trust and allow.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/26/23
我們是大角星群體 3/26/23