JANUARY 15, 2023
Welcome dear readers. During these times of change and new beginnings, remember that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan.
High frequency energy is omnipresent because it is in and of Divine Consciousness but the majority has not been at levels of consciousness able to align with them. Because there is only ONE and because there are now increasingly more highly evolved states of consciousness on earth, more and more people are starting to access Light energies that have always present but mostly unknown allowing them to be experienced and integrated by more individuals which in turn is enlightening collective consciousness.
Everyone is beginning to experience these higher frequencies and translate them according to their state of consciousness. For some it may be fear and confusion but for others it means shifting to new levels of awareness that allow them for the first time to recognize that many commonly accepted world beliefs really represent "power over" under the heading of what is in the best interests of others.
每個人都開始體驗這些更高頻率,並根據他們的意識狀態來翻譯它們。對一些人來說,這可能是恐懼和困惑,但對其他人來說,這意味著轉變到新的意識水平,讓他們第一次認識到許多普遍接受的世界信仰、確實代表了在什麼是最大利益的標題下的別人的“權力” 。
Many concepts of right and wrong are dissolving and will continue to dissolve as individuals evolve beyond the need for others to tell them what to do and begin trusting and living from their intuition. Many concepts for "right living" will simply fade away without the energy of belief to maintain and sustain them. As increasingly more individuals awaken to the fact that much of what they have been taught by parents, teachers, priests, rabbis, and ministers is simply not true, the world will change.
許多對與錯的概念正在消融並將繼續消融,因為個人的進化不再需要他人告訴他們該做什麼,開始相信自己的直覺並按照直覺生活。如果沒有信念的能量來維持和支持,許多“正確生活”的概念就會消失。 隨著越來越多人意識到他們從父母、老師、牧師、拉比與牧師那裡學到的很多東西根本不是真的,世界將會改變。
Evolving into a consciousness of personal spiritual empowerment is frequently preceded by the full or partial collapse of a person's three dimensional foundation. The fear and chaos that results from the breaking down of a person's firmly established and never questioned three dimensional foundation is often the only way those who are spiritually ready for more can evolve to their next level. In spiritual circles, this is known as a "wake up call".
演變成個人精神賦權的意識,通常是在一個人的三維基礎完全或部分崩潰之前發生的。 一個人牢固建立且從未質疑過的三維基礎崩潰所導致的恐懼和混亂,通常是那些在靈性上準備好接受更多的人可以進化到下一個層次的唯一途徑。 在靈性圈這被稱為“喚醒呼叫”。
Everyone innately desires peace, comfort, and security, and seeks these things according to their state of consciousness. Most are as of yet unaware that these are God qualities and therefore can only flow from within to the without if they are to be permanent. The three dimensional state of consciousness seeks these things in the outer, attempting to build themselves a "perfect life" from concepts of duality, separation, and two powers.
每個人都與生俱來地渴望和平、舒適及安全,並根據自己的意識狀態尋求這些東西。 大多數人還沒有意識到這些是上帝的品質,因此,如果它們要永久存在,就只能從內部流向外部。三維意識狀態在外在尋求這些東西,試圖從二元性、分離和兩種力量的概念中為自己建立一個“完美的生活”。
When one's "perfect life" collapses the result is shock, confusion, and frantic attempts to restore everything back the way it was even if what it was no longer resonated and the person was miserable. There is emotional pain, fear, and confusion because personal foundations are built from what is believed to be true and necessary for happiness and a person a sense of security and confidence.
當一個人的“完美生活”崩潰時,結果是震驚、困惑和瘋狂地試圖將一切恢復原樣,即使它不再引起共鳴並且這個人很痛苦。 存在情緒上的痛苦、恐懼和困惑,因為個人的基礎是建立在被認為是真實、幸福所必需的,以及一個人的安全感和信心的基礎上。
If the person continues attempting to recreating the past, the process may take awhile but at some point every individual tires of the struggle, begins to move beyond the past, and opens to new ways of looking at the situation. At first it may simply consist of opening to intuition and allowing it to guide them to three dimensional sources of help. Most then begin to question the situation and their beliefs about it gaining a deeper awareness of themselves, past choices, what they really want or don't want, and a recognition of beliefs that have held them in bondage.
Empowerment is a spiritual quality, a state of consciousness. The process of attaining this state of consciousness is initiated by the Higher Self and may simply unfold naturally but because most resist change "Wake up calls" are often necessary. Empowerment is a consciousness of truth about Self and all life which in turn manifests as living that awareness while expressing it in practical ways. It is the ability to lovingly but firmly state; "Enough is enough." or "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this." Regardless of who these words are being spoken to.
賦權是一種精神品質,一種意識狀態。達到這種意識狀態的過程是由高我發起的,可能只是自然地展開,但因為大多數人抵制改變,“喚醒呼叫”通常是必要的。 授權是一種關於大我和所有生命的真理的意識,它反過來表現為生活在這種意識中,同時以實際的方式表達它。它是充滿愛意但堅定地陳述的能力; “適可而止。” 或“感謝您的意見,但我選擇這樣做。” 不管這些話是對誰說的。
Empowerment is women integrating and living in balance with their masculine aspect and men integrating and feeling comfortable expressing their feminine with mutual love and respect for both. Most of you have already done this work.
In the presence of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual distress, always remember--God is.
If God alone is, IT must be omnipresent. Where does omnipresence leave fear? What does it say about who I and all other life forms are? If God alone is, where is the need for petitionary prayer or rites and rituals meant to bring one closer to God? If God alone is where does this leave beliefs of death, lack and limitation, separation, suffering etc.? Do I really believe that God alone is?
如果只有上帝存在,那麼 祂 一定是無所不在的。 無所不在在哪裡留下恐懼? 關於我和所有其他生命形式是誰,它說了什麼? 如果只有上帝存在,那麼哪裡需要祈求祈禱或儀式來使人更接近上帝呢? 如果只有上帝存在,這會留下死亡、匱乏和限制、分離、痛苦等的信念嗎? 我真的相信只有上帝存在嗎?
Because human beings are in reality expressions of God, they are like God, creative. A collective consciousness of ignorance and the rejection of ONEness manifests in and as infinite forms of duality and separation. Yes, situations created out of beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers seem very real on earth and those involved and must deal with them in accord with their state of consciousness but you who are awake are on earth not to get caught up in the illusions of sense, but to add the Light of your evolved state of consciousness to the collective.
Increasing more dark information and actions are going to be exposed but your job is not to fix things on a three dimensional level, but rather to always have a part of your awareness in alignment with the truth that God alone is. What does this mean? It means remembering that aches, pains, and diseases have no spiritual law to support them. It means that an empty wallet or lack has no spiritual reality. It means that every world wide situation of good versus bad or us versus them has no real Divine law to support, sustain, or maintain it because God alone is.
越來越多的黑暗信息和行為將被暴露,但你的工作不是在三維層面上解決問題,而是始終讓你的一部分意識與真理保持一致,即:神是唯一的。 這是什麼意思? 這意味著要記住疼痛、痛苦和疾病沒有靈性法則來支持它們。這意味著空錢包或匱乏沒有精神現實。這意味著世界範圍內每一個好與壞、或我們與他們之間的情況,都沒有真正的神聖法則來支持、維持或維持它,因為只有神是。
Once a person realizes that 2 x2 is 4 and not 5, where does the 5 go? It only existed in thought. This is how truth works. You wake up and begin to live from truth rather than the false, no longer accepting 2 x2 as 5. There is a statement made by Jesus that is often quoted incorrectly which is; "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John) The "You will know the truth" part is often left out which is the most important part of the whole statement. You must know, live, be, trust, and allow truth to grow and strengthen before it can evolve into a state of consciousness that can and will then manifest outwardly.
一旦一個人意識到 2 x2 是 4 而不是 5,5 會去哪裡? 它只存在於思想中。這就是真理的運作方式。你醒來並開始根據真理而不是錯誤生活,不再接受 2 x2 為 5。耶穌的一句話經常被錯誤地引用是; “你會知道真相,而真相會讓你自由。” (約翰)“你會知道真相”部分經常被遺漏,這是整個陳述中最重要的部分。你必須知道、生活、存在、信任並允許真相成長和加強,然後才能演變成意識狀態,然後可以並且將會向外顯化。
You are the Light illuminating pathways for those coming along behind you even if you never say a word. The Light of even one evolved consciousness constitutes a majority automatically because there is only ONE.
God alone is.只有神是。
We are the Arcturian Group 1/15/23