JANUARY 1, 2023

Happy New Year dear readers. Welcome to a year in which you will witness increasingly more change, awakenings, exposure, and new beginnings.
親愛的讀者們,新年快樂。 歡迎來到這一年,你們將見證越來越多的變化、覺醒、接觸和新的開始。


New beginnings because the world's collective consciousness which is the sum of all previous and present states of consciousness on earth is changing. It is becoming Lighter and more evolved due to presence of so many spiritually advanced souls now on earth with more continuing to come. Much that has long constituted the universal collective consciousness is dissolving or has already dissolved through the presence of so many spiritually evolved individuals on earth.  
新的開始,因為世界的集體意識是地球上所有以前和現在意識狀態的總和,正在發生變化。 由於現在地球上有如此多的精神上先進的靈魂,並且還會有更多的靈魂出現,它變得更輕、更進化。長期以來構成普遍集體意識的許多東西正在溶解或已經溶解,因為地球上有如此多靈性進化的個體。


Divine Mind is the One and only mind and therefore the real mind of every person. However, in the lower resonating energy of the third dimension, mind, a channel of awareness for consciousness, is overshadowed with dense energies of duality, separation, and two powers becoming for all intents and purposes a human, personal, ego mind, a three dimensional concept of the ONE MIND.  
神聖的思想是唯一的思想,因此是每個人的真實思想。 然而,在第三維度的較低共振能量中,心智,意識的意識通道,被二元性、分離的密集能量所籠罩,兩種力量在所有意圖和目的上都變成了人類、個人、自我的心智,一體心智(ONE MIND)的三維的概念。


The personal/ego mind is only able to access information and truth from outside of itself--from the collective. As the collective becomes increasingly illumined through the presence of the many high resonating states of consciousness now on earth who came specifically for this purpose, people will have access to and begin to draw ideas from a higher resonating collective and begin to implement them as spiritually evolved, new, and better ideas for living.  
個人/小我心智只能從自身之外——從集體——獲取信息和真相。隨著地球上許多專門為此目的而來的高共振意識狀態的存在,集體變得越來越明亮,人們將有機會接觸並開始從更高共鳴的集體中吸取想法,並開始將它們作為靈性進化來實施 ,新的、更好的生活理念。


There will always be those who benefit from the status quo and resist change while continuing to cling to and promote familiar and less enlightened ways of solving problems and living life. All have free will to choose as they please, but changes are coming and resistance will prove to be futile because earth's ascension is a Divine Plan that will continue to unfold in spite of any and all resistance.  
總會有人從現狀中受益並拒絕改變,同時繼續堅持和提倡熟悉的、不太開明的解決問題和生活方式的方法。 所有人都有選擇的自由意志,但改變正在到來,抵抗將被證明是徒勞的,因為地球揚升是一個神聖的計劃,它將繼續展開,儘管有任何和所有的抵抗。


The new year is seen as a time for making "New Year resolutions" because the start of a new year feels like a perfect time to examine the past year and make changes. However, most New Year's resolutions never come to full fruition simply because people are consciousness with bodies rather than bodies with consciousness and whatever remains firmly established in one's consciousness simply continues to manifest.  
新年被視為製定“新年決心”的時間,因為新年的開始感覺是審視過去一年並做出改變的最佳時機。 然而,大多數新年決心從來沒有完全實現,因為人們是有身體的意識,而不是有意識的身體,而且任何在一個人的意識中牢牢確立的東西都會繼續顯現。


However, choosing to make resolutions for positive change indicates that a person is looking more deeply into themselves, recognizing how and what they would like to change, and are attempting to make it happen. The problem is that most resolutions are based in three dimensional concepts about how life could be better--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, concepts that never really address the underlying root of that which they hope to change. 
然而,選擇做出積極改變的決議表明一個人正在更深入地審視自己,認識到他們想要改變的方式和內容,並正在努力實現它。 問題是,大多數解決方案都基於關於如何讓生活變得更好的三個維度概念——身體上、情感上、心智上和精神上,這些概念從未真正解決他們希望改變的根本問題。


Long accepted beliefs about how people or life should be in order to be right or successful are no longer resonating as true with an increasing number of individuals. People are beginning to recognize that change happens automatically as they let go of old concepts and allow themselves to expand and embrace ideas that are based in oneness rather than separation and competition. The inner is the outer and so in reality there are no victims but you cannot say that to those who as of yet are only able to understand life from a three dimensional perspective.  


Let your New Year resolutions to be about observing, allowing, and ceasing to resist in the realization of yourself as SELF, a Divine Being who chose to be on earth at this time in order to add Light to the collective, clear remaining dense energies, and assist others to awaken. Let your resolutions reflect your evolved state of consciousness, your spirituality. Let them be about love, the reality of all life, and simply BEing.
讓你的新年決心是關於觀察、允許和停止抵抗,以實現你所是的更高自我:一個選擇在這個時候來到地球上的神聖存在,以便為集體增加光,清除剩餘的稠密能量, 並協助他人覺醒。 讓你的決心反映你進化的意識狀態,你的靈性。 讓它們成為關於愛、所有生命的現實以及簡單的存在。


Resistance adds energy and increasingly empowers whatever is being resisted. The clearing process often causes anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, self loathing, guilt, and all sorts of negative emotions to surface. Do not resist them for their presence does not mean you are reverting back to an old state of consciousness, but rather simply means that you are experiencing the emotions associated with whatever pocket of old energy is moving through. Observe, feel, and simply allow any negative emotions or thoughts. Allow these old energies to flow through and out without giving them power or believing that they are personally yours.   
阻力增加能量,並越來越增強任何被抵制的力量。清除過程通常會導致憤怒、怨恨、恐懼、嫉妒、自我厭惡、內疚與各種負面情緒浮出水面。不要抗拒它們,因為它們的存在並不意味著你正在回到舊的意識狀態,而只是意味著你正在體驗與正在移動的舊能量口袋相關的情緒。 觀察、感受並允許任何負面情緒或想法。允許這些舊能量流過和流出,但不要賦予它們力量或相信它們是你個人的。


Refusing to give something power in spite of appearances does not mean ignoring someone or situation in need, saying to them; "God is all, it's not real, its an illusion". Many have gotten trapped in this three dimensional way of interpreting truth which is the ego based act of pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. Living truth means assisting or stepping in with human footsteps when or if you are intuitively guided to do so while never forgetting the underlying reality and innate Divinity of all involved. This does not mean yanking someone out of their chosen lesson. Always listen to your intuition for guidance in these situations.
儘管外表拒絕給予某事權力並不意味著無視需要幫助的人或情況,對他們說; “上帝就是一切,它不是真實的,它是一種幻覺”。 許多人陷入了這種解釋真理的三維方式中,這是一種基於小我假裝意識狀態尚未達到的行為。活生生的真相意味著當你被直覺引導時或如果你被直覺引導這樣做時,以人類的腳步協助或介入,同時永遠不要忘記所有相關人員的潛在現實和與生俱來的神性。 這並不意味著將某人從他們選擇的課程中拉出來。 在這些情況下,請始終聽從直覺以獲取指導。


There are those who are not yet ready or able to integrate the new and higher resonating energies flowing to earth at this time and are choosing to leave in order to come back into the new earth at a later time. Others are leaving because they believe they can assist earth's ascension process more fully from the other side. Death is always a choice . Not one made from three dimensional awareness but one made on deeper levels. Many were tired and just wanted to go home and Covid offered this opportunity.  
有些人還沒有準備好或無法整合此時流向地球的新的和更高的共振能量,他們選擇離開以便在稍後的時間回到新地球。其他人正在離開,因為他們相信他們可以從另一邊更充分地協助地球的揚升過程。死亡永遠是一種選擇。 不是一種由三維意識製成的,而是一種在更深層次上製成的。 許多人累了,只想回家,而 Covid 提供了這個機會。


Earth is a very difficult school of evolution but because there is only the ONE Life, no life is ever lost, wasted, or a failure. A person who leaves as the result of addiction, violence, or other negative choices quickly and with the help of Guides begins to understand what he was unable to while on earth. Every soul has infinite opportunities to return to earth armed with a new awareness and prepared to experience and move past that which held him or her in bondage the last time.  
地球是一個非常困難的進化學校,但因為只有唯一的生命,所以沒有生命會丟失、浪費或失敗。 由於成癮、暴力或其他消極選擇而離開的人在指導靈的幫助下迅速開始理解他在地球上無法做到的事情。每個靈魂都有無限的機會帶著新的意識回到地球,並準備好體驗和擺脫上次束縛他/她的束縛。


This is how spiritual evolution works on earth until at some point the soul has learned all it can from three dimensional experiences and is ready to continue evolution in the higher dimensions .  



Pat yourselves on the back dear ones, for it takes a strong and dedicated soul to choose and graduate from earth's three dimensional school of evolution and then even when it is no longer needed choose to come back in order to help others.  



New energies and higher states of consciousness are giving birth to a new earth.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/1/23






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