Feel the Highest Heights of Ecstasy without Drugs ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


reach the heights of ecstasy without drugs - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。

We have taken ourselves to some very high heights of ecstasy in order to better understand, in order to better know, what Source is. We do not have physical bodies, and as such, we cannot use a drug, or even a natural occurring substance to get us to these heights. We cannot use sex, or even conscious breathing, to get to these heights. 
為了更好地理解,為了更好地瞭解什麼是源頭,我們已經把自己帶到了狂喜的高度。我們沒有肉體,因此不能使用藥物,甚至是天然存在的物質來使我們達到這些高度。 我們不能通過性,甚至是有意識的呼吸來達到這些高度。


All we have is our desire and our focus, and we do like to feel into what Source is now, as opposed to what Source was yesterday to use a very clumsy analogy, since we do not really have time here, but we do have a sense of expansion. We have that sense of Source growing, becoming more of what Source truly is, which is unconditional love. And we seek to feel because feeling helps us realize that we are alive and that we are evolving. 
我們所擁有的只是我們的願望和焦點,我們確實喜歡感受現在的源頭,而不是昨天的源頭,使用一個非常笨拙的類比,因為我們真的沒有時間在這裡,但我們確實有膨脹感。 我們有源頭成長的感覺,變得更像真正的源頭,這是無條件的愛。我們尋求感覺,因為感覺幫助我們意識到還活著並且正在進化。


Now, the reason we are telling all of you this is because we want you to know that you can get to heights of ecstasy without drugs, without naturally occurring substances, without sex, and even without changing the way that you breathe. You can get there with desire and focus; you can get there by remembering that you are Source and that you best access Source through the love that you feel.


You can focus on the center of your heart and focus on someone or something that you love, and you can get there. Nothing in your world has to change in order for you to be experiencing these heights of ecstasy. Remember that; remember that when life is getting you down and you don’t know when things are going to turn around for you or for humanity or for someone you love. Remember that Source is inside of you, that you are Source, and that Source is all around you, and do a little focusing. 
你們可以專注於內心的中心,專注於所愛的人或事就可以到達那裡。為了讓你體驗這些狂喜的高度,你們的世界中沒有任何東西需要改變。 請記住; 請記住,當生活讓你沮喪時,你不知道什麼時候事情會為你或為人類或為你所愛的人好轉。記得,源頭在你內在,你就是源頭,源頭就在你周圍,做一點聚焦。


Put your feelings first; make how you feel your number one priority. And when you do, you will get better at it. You will get better at feeling something on purpose, and that truly is the ultimate goal for all of humankind, whether you realize it or not. First, you feel all the feelings, and then you choose which ones you like. Finally, you demonstrate to yourselves that you can feel those feelings any time and in any place. And then you become more unconditional and you become more of your true self, your Source Energy Self. 
把你的感受放在第一位; 把你的感受放在首位。當你這樣做時,你會做得更好。你會更好地去感受有目的的東西,而這確實是全人類的最終目標,無論你是否意識到。 首先,你感受所有的感受,然後選擇你喜歡的。 最後,你向自己證明,可以隨時隨地感受到這些感受。 然後你變得更加無條件,變得更加真實--你的源頭能量自我。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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