The December 2022 Energies ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are simply delighted to be a part of your journey there on Earth, and we are so very happy to give you this report on the energies of December 2022. There is a lot of asking going on there on Earth at this time, and the asking is for great change. People want to see quantum leaps in their experiences of themselves, of their communities, and in the world at large. The energies being given, therefore, throughout the month of December will be to assist each individual in making the quantum leap or leaps that they want to make and that they want to see in the world outside of them.
我們很高興能成為你們地球之旅的一部分,我們非常高興向你們提供這份關於 2022 年 12 月能量的報告。此時地球上有很多問題正在發生,而祈求是為了巨大的改變。人們希望看到自己、社區和整個世界的體驗發生質的飛躍。因此,整個 12 月份所給予的能量將幫助每個人實現他們想要實現的量子飛躍,以及他們希望在他們之外的世界看到的飛躍。
You have been trudging along, like the tortoise, for quite some time, and you are ready to make bigger leaps forward than every before. We know this, your guides know this, and your higher selves know this, and we all work together. All the helpers of the universe have their focus on Earth at this time, and especially those of you who really can bring about great change, those of you who can make that quantum leap forward. You can do it with a little assistance, and you have a lot of assistance coming your way.
You’ll be assisted by the 12/12 portal, by the Solstice event, by the rebirth of the Christ consciousness on Christmas Day. You will be assisted by all of the energies that have been coming in and that will be amplified to end 2022 with so much love, peace, and joy in the hearts of humans that are open to those humans.
12/12 門戶、冬至事件、聖誕節基督意識的重生都會幫助你。你將得到所有已經進入的能量的幫助,這些能量將被放大到 2022 年底,人類心中充滿了對這些人開放的愛、和平及喜悅。
What you will do as a result of the quantum leaps you are making is that you will be inspiring others, and you will be showing others the way. You will be setting up the templates, the blueprints, for others to follow. You who are awake and who have a greater likelihood of aligning with the quantum leap you want to make are the perfect ones to lead others, to show others the way. There always has been a way and always will be a way, but not everyone can shift so quickly so as to see a huge difference in their lives or in the world.
Now, in this month of December, you are ready to experience those shifts, and you are ready to make them from within with the help of the energies you are being provided at this time. Dream big, look for the path that leads to the completion of the quantum leap forward, and know that there are many others around who will be doing the same and paving the way for you and for your huge changes that you want to see and experience in your life.
現在,在 12 月的這個月,你已準備好體驗這些轉變,並且已準備好在此時提供能量的幫助下從內部進行這些轉變。 遠大的夢想,尋找通往完成量子飛躍的道路,並知道周圍有許多其他人會做同樣的事情、並為你鋪平道路,在你的生活中,為你想要看到和體驗的巨大變化鋪平道路。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton