The Final Step on Your Journey of Ascension ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the final step on your journey of ascension - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are listening to humanity, and we are very excited about what we are hearing from you. More and more humans are understanding that they are the ones who are responsible for their own ascension and that we and others like us are just helpers. We are facilitators and activators, but you are the ones who have to do all of the work. The work doesn’t have to be hard, but at times it can be painful. The times that you are in pain there on Earth should help you to appreciate the good times more.


That’s why you began a cycle of incarnations on Earth in the first place. You are there by choice, and we know that some humans don’t believe that. That is why we will keep saying it; you are there by choice. And you choose to be there because Earth allows you to have certain experiences that are unique to your planet and to the third and fourth dimensions. There is a feeling that you can only have experienced pain and suffering, and that feeling is relief. The experience is a release, and the feeling is a relief. And then from all of that, you are more likely to feel compassion for others because you know what it is like to feel pain and to suffer.


Compassion brings you together, and coming together is the final step on humanity’s journey to ascension. And now is the time to be focusing on how you can come together more, in spite of your differences. And if you are one of the ones who is asking us and others like us for opportunities to experience more unity, then you are one of the leaders that we are talking about. Humankind needs leaders who are about bringing people together, and every single one of you who is receiving this transmission is one of those people. You don’t need to have millions or even billions of people following you in order to be a leader. You are contributing to the collective consciousness no matter what you do or who knows who you are.


When you ask for our support in bringing humankind together, you get more than just our support. You get all the support of all the beings and all the collectives who seek to be a part of the unification of the human collective. But even those who just feel compassion for someone else who is suffering are doing their part. Of course, there are people who have never heard of us or do not believe in extra-terrestrials or higher dimensions, and they are still doing their part by feeling compassion for their fellow humans. When we see that, we know that you are getting closer and closer to being ready to ascend.
當你請求我們支持、將人類團結在一起時,得到的不僅僅是我們的支持。 你得到所有尋求成為人類集體統一的一部分的存在和所有集體的支持。即使是那些對正在受苦的人感到同情的人也在盡自己的一份力。當然,有些人從未聽說過我們,也不相信外星人或更高維度的存在,他們仍然通過同情人類同胞來盡自己的一份力量。 當我們看到這一點時,知道你越來越接近準備提升。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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