While You Work on Your Clairaudient Abilities ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about finding more and more opportunities to connect with those of you who are ready for our energy, our vibration, and our teachings. We know that many of you reach out to us on a fairly consistent basis, and we also know that you would love to hear us whispering back to you in your mind’s ear. But there are so many other ways for you to connect with us as you work on your clairaudient abilities.
We suggest that you put forth the intention to meet up with us in the astral plane, while you are asleep. We also suggest that you feel for our presence around you as you meditate. And furthermore, we advise that you tune in to the energy that is being transmitted by this channel right here, as he speaks for us.
You have an opportunity to feel for our vibrational signature every single time you receive one of these transmissions, and that is important because you do want to remember your Arcturian lifetimes. You do want to have your Arcturian DNA activated, and you do want to absorb the energy that we are transmitting in every moment, as it certainly will raise you vibration. And you might even find yourselves accessing more of your spiritual gifts and abilities, which you had in spades when you incarnated here in our system.
每次你收到這些傳輸之一時,都有機會感受我們的振動信號,這很重要,因為你確實想記住你的大角星人的一生。你確實希望你的大角星 DNA 被激活,你確實希望吸收我們每時每刻都在傳遞的能量,因為它肯定會提升你的振動。你甚至可能會發現自己獲得了更多的靈性禮物和能力,當你在我們的系統中投生時,這些都是你所擁有的。
There are grand opportunities presenting themselves to you all the time to connect with higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings, like us, and all you have to do is be open and receptive to them. Be open and receptive to us, because we are calling you towards the higher-vibrational state that you want to be in. We are summoning you up into the fifth-dimensional realm, a realm that you are still in the process of co-creating.
We can also work through symbols, synchronicities, and signs that you see. If you set up the meaning, we will deliver in the appropriate timing. Tell us, and your guides, what you want it to mean when you see certain numbers lining up, or you see a rainbow, or a dragonfly.
我們還可以通過你看到的符號、同步性與標誌來工作。 如果你設置了含義,我們將在適當的時間交付。 告訴我們和你的嚮導,當你看到某些數字排成一列、看到彩虹或蜻蜓時,你希望它意味著什麼。
We are always looking for new ways to be a bigger part of your lives, as we know we can have a positive impact. We know it because we feel it, and because we experience the impact that we have on you. All you need to do is let us in and let us be a bigger part of your lives, and we can co-create magical experiences together.
我們一直在尋找新的方式來成為你們生活中更大的一部分,因為我們知道我們可以產生積極的影響。 我們知道它,因為我們感受到它,因為我們體驗到對你們的影響。 需要做的就是讓我們進入,讓我們成為生活中更重要的一部分,我們可以共同創造神奇的體驗。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton