The Energies Upon You & Who’s Receiving Them ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are all getting exactly what you need to evolve and to ascend. We, and others like us, just want to help. We just want you to have extra support in working with all of the energies that you are constantly receiving, and we also know that you have your challenges with one another there on Earth. And we want to help resolve as much conflict as we can. We want to see all of you living harmoniously as you evolve and ascend, and we know that there are faster routes to getting there. Just like you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to start a path of recovery, but a lot of people do that, and that’s okay.
When it comes to all of you coming together and living harmoniously as a whole, you don’t have to be on the verge of nuclear war in order to come together. You don’t have to have catastrophes, cataclysms, natural disasters, or bombs exploding to shake you all awake and help you realize that conflict resolution doesn’t have to go to extremes before both sides, or both groups, or both parties come together because you realize at the end of the day you’re all human.
You’re all human, and you’re sharing this beautiful planet of yours, which gives you everything that you need to thrive. But of course, people choose to incarnate in different places, to have different experiences, and not everyone is born into an area where there’s plenty of food, plenty of drinking water, plenty of opportunities, and and so on.
When you start to receive energies of oneness from groups, beings, and collectives like ourselves, you cannot help but wonder how you can reach out from your place of having plenty to help someone who chose to be born in a place where they have access to a lot less. That simple act of asking yourself how you can help elevates the consciousness of the entire collective. Now, when you follow through with an action, or an offering to help, you are taking it one step further. You are putting that sentiment into action, which gives it more energy and adds even more to the collective consciousness of humanity.
Now, everyone there is not at the same level spiritually, so not everyone is receiving those energies of oneness that are upon you now. Those of you who do receive this particular energetic transmission will have the capacity to serve. You have the ability to extend from your place of knowing who you really are, and you will be able to help someone else. Even if you cannot help them out with food, or money, water, or a job opportunity, you help by extending the oneness vibration to them. You help just by setting the intention that everyone be heard, seen, treated fairly. You help by holding the desire that everyone get what they need to live in a human body, and you are sending out that signal to the universe as well that you want to be a conduit through which more can flow, so you can do more good in the world.
We know that everyone can have enough there on Earth, just as we know that everyone’s getting what they need energetically. We also know that not everyone receives at the same rate. Some of you are more accustomed to receiving than others. Those of you who have received more can also demonstrate to your fellow humans how to open up so that they too can receive. You can teach others how to meditate, how to connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth, how to feel for the energies that are around them. You can upload your own YouTube video. You can make your own blog post.
我們知道地球上每個人都可以擁有足夠的東西,就像我們知道每個人都在積極地獲得所需的東西一樣。我們還知道,並非每個人都以相同的速度接收。你們中一些人比其他人更習慣於接受。你們中獲得更多的人也可以向人類同胞展示如何敞開心扉,以便他們也能獲得。你可以教別人如何冥想,如何與大自然與地球母親聯繫,如何感受他們周圍的能量。你可以上傳自己的 YouTube 視頻。你可以發表自己的部落格文章。
You can share with so much love in your heart all that you have been able to download and utilize for your own purposes of evolving and ascending, and that’s why there are these different levels of consciousness and these different locations on Earth. It is all to give everyone the opportunity to experience themselves as one who gives and one who receives, one who lacks and one who has abundance. And the coming together of the one who needs and the one who has to give is such a beautiful experience to witness, and we see more and more of that happening on planet Earth every single day, and that’s what we are excited to share with you in this moment.
你可以在心中以如此多的愛分享你能夠下載與利用的所有東西,用於你自己進化和提升的目的,這就是為什麼地球上有這些不同的意識水平與這些不同的位置。 這一切都是為了讓每個人都有機會體驗自己作為一個給予者和接受者,一個匱乏和一個豐盛的人。 需要的人和給予的人相遇是一種如此美好的經歷,我們每天都在地球上看到越來越多的事情發生,這就是我們很高興在此刻與你分享的。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton