JULY 3, 2022

Dear students of truth, welcome to our message.

Never doubt that both personally and globally a Divine Plan is unfolding. It was never meant that earth remain forever a planet of three dimensional energy governed by illusory beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.


Eons ago souls in still in spirit form chose to experience what it would be like to feel separate from God. However, over time they began to forget that their experiences weren't real. Some became lost/trapped in illusions of separation that they themselves had chosen and separation became their state of consciousness allowing manifestations of density to began. Some remembered who they were and wisely chose to no longer play the game, but many did not. This is the story of the fallen angels.


Earth is now ready to evolve beyond the ancient energies of separation that have ruled for so long because separation never has been a reality. People were not meant to live in fear, vulnerable to all the mind formed creations of material sense and separation. You are Divine beings always have been and always will be but the belief of separation has become so deeply ingrained in earth's collective consciousness that evolving beyond it must be a process.


Everyone must clear old but still active energy accumulated over having lived hundreds of lifetimes before they can fully align with the higher frequencies. As increasingly more spiritual Light energy pours to earth as part of the ascension process, ancient dense energies that have long lain dormant in earth herself are surfacing. The same thing is occurring with individuals. Old energies that have been stored and carried in cellular memory from lifetime to lifetime are also surfacing in order to be acknowledged and cleared.


Large clearings, those in which certain beliefs were active in more than one lifetime usually take place in increments that often begin with some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience that causes them to believe they have somehow failed. Clearing experiences can range from the devastating collapse of one's whole belief system to the simple realization of some belief that needs deeper examination. Most people are unaware of energy needing to be cleared because it was accumulated and stored in other lifetimes which is why clearing experiences often seem to "come out of the blue".
大型空地,即某些信念在不止一生中活躍的空地,通常以增量方式發生,通常以一些身體、情感、心理或精神體驗開始,使他們相信自己以某種方式失敗了。 清除經驗的範圍可以從一個人的整個信念系統的毀滅性崩潰到需要更深入檢查的某些信念的簡單實現。 大多數人都沒有意識到能量需要被清除,因為它是在其他生命中積累和儲存的,這就是為什麼清除經驗似乎經常“突然出現”的原因。


A great many clearings take place in the dream state. People, places, and situations remembered or people known in this lifetime playing different roles. Clearings usually take place in increments when more than one past life was involved in the same way--an ancient religious group or cult, religious orders, or a school of thought that demanded vows and oaths. Look on your clearing experiences as graduations rather than something to dread in the knowledge that the dissolving of old energy will leave you on a higher energetic level than when you were carrying it in your energy field.
在夢境中發生了許多清理。在此生中記住的人、地點和情況或已知的人扮演不同的角色。當不止一個前世以相同方式涉及時,清理通常會逐步進行—— 一個古老的宗教團體或邪教、宗教秩序或需要誓言的思想流派。將你的清​​理體驗視為畢業,而不是因為知道舊能量的溶解將使你的能量水平高於你在能量場中攜帶它時的能量水平。


Some believing that they can go backward in their evolutionary process, live each day continually alert to every "bad" thought that may come floating through their mind in fear of spiritually failing or regressing. It is impossible to revert to an previous state of consciousness once you have evolved beyond it. Yes, old and familiar thoughts will continue to come and go for awhile, but human thinking and consciousness are not the same thing. Many have tried to go back to and easier earlier time, but the spiritual evolutionary process does not allow a person to go back asleep once they have awakened to some aspect of truth.


Spiritual realization can be very inconvenient when a person has gotten used to a familiar comfortable lifestyle. A truth realized can be ignored and often is, but the nagging influence of the realization always remains, popping up when least desired to spoil the fun.
當一個人習慣了熟悉的舒適生活方式時,精神上的實現可能會非常不方便。 一個已實現的真理可以被忽略,而且通常是這樣,但實現的煩人影響始終存在,在最不想破壞樂趣的時候突然出現。


Every person at some point will awaken to their true Self-hood, it cannot be avoided because it is the reality. In spite of appearances to the contrary every individual sick or well, good or bad, rich or poor, smart or stupid, is a manifestation of God/Divine Consciousness simply because nothing else exists. Either there is an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness called "God", or there isn't and free will allows every person to accept or deny this but the choice they make can never change or effect the Reality.
每個人都會在某個時候喚醒他們真正的自我,這是無法避免的,因為它是現實。 儘管看起來相反,每個人生病或健康,好或壞,富有或貧窮,聰明或愚蠢,都是造物主/神聖意識的表現,僅僅是因為沒有其他東西存在。 要麼有一個無所不在、無所不能、無所不知的神聖意識,稱為“上帝”,要麼沒有,自由意志允許每個人接受或否認這一點,但他們所做的選擇永遠不會改變或影響現實。


Never believe that an infinite God can be understood with the finite human mind for it cannot be done. Many have tried and many falsely believe that they have done it, but the human mind limited by three dimensional concepts and beliefs that can never comprehend the vast realities of Divine Consciousness. However, God can and does reveal ITself to those prepared and receptive which is why meditation plays an important part in the spiritual journey.


The real purpose of true meditation is spiritual alignment with Source and not for attracting something desired, having experiences, seeing colors and visions, hearing voices, or just to relax. Have no desires when you meditate other than to align with and rest in oneness with the Divinity of your own being. This contact may or may not manifest then or later as more Light, more awareness, healing, or answers needed. You may experience something during meditation and you may not but this does not invalidate the meditation. As with all things, your intention is important and with meditation should simply be alignment with Source within.


The Higher Self is that facet of you that has never left conscious ONEness with Source and is continually guiding your spiritual journey because it is you. Your Higher Self draws to you the experiences you are spiritually prepared for and that are necessary for attaining a higher state of consciousness. You will never get experiences beyond your ability to learn and grow from although it may not seem that way when you are feeling overwhelmed in the midst of some intense difficulty.


We wish to speak once again about love and remind you that love is all that exists because it is the energetic connection flowing in, through, around, and between the infinite expressions of ONE Divine Consciousness. Love affects, is a part of, and influences everything. Love is the omnipresent harmony of ONE, but on earth is interpreted through windows of duality, separation, and two powers forming love's many many ego based false creations.
​我們希望再次談論愛,並提醒你愛就是存在的一切,因為它是在一個神聖意識的無限表達中流動、通過、圍繞和之間的能量連接。 愛影響一切,是一切的一部分,影響一切。 愛是一個無所不在的和諧,但在地球上是通過二元性、分離和形成愛的許許多多基於小我虛假創造的兩種力量的窗戶來解釋的。

"Love" is often used to physically, emotionally, mentally control, or abuse another and is frequently an excuse to fulfill ego desire through activities involving guilt, force, dishonesty, or false victim-hood, as well as hundreds of other self-serving actions. More often love is seen only as being an emotion rather than a state of consciousness. Concepts of love as just being sex, romance, and attraction constitute a large part of the three dimensional illusion.
“愛”經常被用來在身體、情感、精神上控制或虐待他人,並且經常成為通過涉及內疚、暴力、不誠實、或虛假受害者身份的活動,以及數百種其他自私自利的活動,來滿足小我慾望的藉口。 更多的時候,愛只被視為一種情感,而不是一種意識狀態。 愛只是性、浪漫和吸引力的概念構成了三維幻覺的很大一部分。


The reality of Love is oneness, the connection eternally flowing between all expressions of the One manifesting ITself as the many. In the world you can observe higher forms of love as service that is not governed by ego based "do gooding" for adulation and praise, in the non-judgemental acceptance of the choices of others, and in those always ready to assist another who may need, not simply want, help. (Important to make this distinction) The inability of the three dimensional consciousness to comprehend Love as Oneness has resulted in the distortions of love presently alive and well on earth and continually promoted through film, television, books, etc.
愛的實相是合一,在“一”的所有表達之間永恆流動的連接,將它自己顯化為眾多。在這個世界上,你可以觀察到更高形式的愛是一種服務,它不受基於小我的“行善”的奉承和讚美,在不加評判地接受他人的選擇中,在那些隨時準備幫助他人的需要,而不僅僅是想要,幫助。 (做出這種區分很重要)三維意識無法將愛理解為一體,這導致了目前在地球上活得很好、並通過電影、電視、書籍等不斷推廣的愛的扭曲


The intensity of Light energy now pouring to earth is awakening many to a deeper sense of dissatisfaction with regard to many commonly accepted concepts about love. The result is going to be seen in changes to beliefs regarding relationships of all kinds. Previously accepted and limiting concepts of about love in general are beginning to change as a higher sense of love and its expression begins to permeate the collective.


The majority as of yet does not know that the reality of love is oneness and those only able to accept love and relationships in narrow and often religiously based ways will fight change while continuing to judge, and condemn those able to understand love in its broader sense that is more in line with the truth of ONEness.


Rest in oneness and simply BE -- an observer who knows that in spite of appearances, God is the only power and reality. When you live, move, and have your being in this realization, the Light of your consciousness touches every other consciousness able to receive and align with it.
安住於一體,簡單地成為一位觀察者,知道儘管有外在各種表象,但源頭/造物主是唯一的力量和現實。 當你在這個覺悟中生活、移動和存在時,你的意識之光會接觸到所有其他能夠接收、並與之對齊的意識。


Because there is only ONE, you are doing what you came to do simply by being your highest Light. Never doubt this.
因為只有一,所以你只是通過成為你的最高光,來做(完成)你來做的事情。 永遠不要懷疑這一點。

We are the Arcturian Group 7/3/22








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