

The change reaches climax!

People, you children of God, you beloved light brothers and sisters of Heaven!

Now it is revealed what corresponds to this time, because the times change their quality, but one thing remains unchanged:


Now, you brothers and sisters of Heaven, who are with me on this earth, that we may form and draw the essence of Heaven to the earth, bring it down, by our power of hearts, by our spirit, which is almighty and unlimited in all worlds.

The change is now bringing out the defining moments of humanity. By now the positions are clearly taken, all actors on the stage of this world act according to their decision; the lightful hosts and those who feel allied to the darkness. So the positions are taken, now the events are born that will bring things to a head, push them to the top, so that because of this dynamic, the new world can rise.

The worlds are separated and what is happening at the moment on this world, which is in a corridor between the fourth and fifth dimension, has nothing to do with an elevation, according to appearances. Every snapshot of this time tempts one to make the mistake that this world is falling back into deep darkness, as the old powers seem to be taking over once again.

This is a fundamental error!

What is currently dominating your days, the great upheavals on all levels of society, is the beginning of a new phase, the phase that will finally bring things to a close.

The 5 Potentials

The potentials that the people of this world are accessing are determined and chosen, which presents itself in such a way:

1) There will be – and are already taking place – “decisive battles” between the powers of darkness and the light warriors terrestrial and extraterrestrial.

2) Heaven tries to mitigate everything that is within the competence of the heavenly powers – and that is much, very much – however the people want this last game before they experience themselves and this world in the fifth dimension.

According to their original nature, people want to dissolve the old time through struggle and with the highest effort, to get rid of the darkness and the obscurity in order to ascend in such a way and in the full consciousness of what they have attained.

3) The potential for the spiritual world to intervene in principle and more or less ensure “order” on this earth has been rejected, for humanity as a collective has decided to take change into its own hands and to call upon the assistance of the spiritual worlds only when certain hopelessnesses arise.

4) The Galactic Federation of Light and the space brothers and sisters of many worlds stand ready unchanged and thwart what tries to interfere unduly; the “law of action,” however, has been reclaimed and claimed by mankind.

5) This means the abandonment of the role of victim, the renunciation of powerlessness, and the rejection of certain services which the Galactic Federation of Light has hitherto provided.

Much has changed in the past few years and the ultimate decisions in collective and individual terms have been made.

It is truly a “master existence” that has been chosen by those who are now driving the change.

And never before in the history of mankind has the willingness, the will and the power of the collective been so pronounced, even if today you still get the impression that it is fundamentally different.

The awakening has taken place and this revelation bears witness to the fact that humanity has claimed its power and that the people of light, with the light warriors of many worlds, are putting an end to the dark forces of the past.

A new fact that also gains weight and importance because a unique number of already ascended masters have arrived once again – we form a great circle and we are the foundation on which this new world is based.

Man becomes whole, humanity becomes conscious, even though it is ultimately a small multitude that ultimately completes the Ascension and inherits Heaven. Small in terms of the number of people who now experience this world as a Decisions are made!

JJK: So now a great decision has been made and it seems that everything is different than before when there was always talk about the intervention of the heavenly powers. Mankind has claimed the “law of action”?

JESUS SANANDA: Yes, that is how it is Jahn. In the past years, it was a matter of preparing people for these “end times”, for the struggles, for the decisions that had to be made in the course of this change. This phase has basically been completed and many people have made clear decisions.

Light and dark decisions. Which master to serve in the future? That had to be decided and that has happened.

The people who decided for the light and for the fact that they want to serve the change of the earth into the light unconditionally, have at the same time attained a degree of consciousness which led them to self-empowerment and thus this decision to renew this society predominantly by “human hand” was made.

A decision of “master quality”, because now people dare to do for themselves what until now was transferred to the invisible beings from the light, the galactic federation of light and the heavenly warriors of many worlds.

Transferred by God, the Creator and by the people, because they simply did not and could not free themselves from this darkness. Victimhood has been dissolved for those who have taken responsibility for this earth, for those who have committed themselves to the process of upliftment and the process of dissolving the dark and eliminating the dark.

It is truly a great moment that is being revealed here, for it is the most elaborate path and the most difficult at the same time. But it is the path that generates the widest possible range of experience, and thus people can once again experience themselves in a new role, the role of liberators – of a world and inner liberation, as hearts are clear and beings are tidied up.

This is based above all on the work of the last decades. The people who are now making their mark on the change have lost their fears, given them up and dissolved them. This makes them free to act – no matter what manipulations are still attempted and in certain cases still work.

Will the spiritual world intervene?


JJK: Well, Jesus, you know, there have been so many rearrangements, changes of plans, potentials in the last time, in the last years, that this renewed “re-determination” could unsettle people, because they simply don’t know anymore what they can rely on. Will now the spiritual world intervene, or not? To put it so decisively in a nutshell?

JESUS SANANDA: All people are told: Yes! Your brothers and sisters from the invisible being already intervene and that incessantly. Even if you can hardly register this, it is so.

However, the mode is changing. Until now, the command for this change was outsourced from the Earth, outsourced from the people and all the command structures were with the Galactic Federation of Light. The “law of action” is now returned to the humans, as you have so claimed it.
無論如何,模式在改變。在此之前,對這個改變的指揮來自地球之外,銀河聯邦。 “行動法則”現在返回了人類。

This means that the “main command” is now on Earth and the interventions of the extraterrestrial formations are concentrated exclusively on matters which are not within the range of human perception. We have humanity’s back, but direct interventions on Earth will be withdrawn to the extent that humans come into their power, as they are no longer necessary to that extent.

There is no reason for insecurity, rather for a new self-determination, for a self-assurance, which was not there before and could not be, because the processes of clarification were in progress. Now many things have been completed, which bring about these consequences.

Rejoice and be certain that we are now entering the final phase of change, which is also the culmination.





傳導:Jahn J Kassl



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