

I come on the wings of love! We have entered another potent period of powerful energy influxes and these will be available to all who ask to receive these upgrades to their DNA and physical body system even though you know that it means more 'processing'? Take heart - for at some point in the not too distant future, there will come a greater sense of ease, comfort and well-being and when this happens, you will definitely feel that it was all worth it! We beseech you to keep on keeping on in your daily efforts to hold steady and maintain the Light where you are. It is very important at this time.

Love is becoming the new standard by which all is perceived and disseminated and this activity will spread throughout this planet into every nook and cranny to open the hearts and illuminate the minds of every person and sentient being that exists in this reality and beyond. There are the qualities of benevolence and kindness permeating the atmosphere of the Earth that touches everyone and everything at very deep and profound levels. This changes everything it touches. It is an activity that moves quietly through each community and city and reconnects people to their true authentic divine selves and eliminates fear and confusion within them.

Seeing the world they live in through the eyes of clarity will open up many doors and possibilities for the people of Earth. New ways of seeing and doing things will come to the forefront and what seemed impossible even one month ago now becomes a viable solution. Humanity is in an accelerated mode of evolutionary spiritual and technological growth and each day sees great improvement in many areas of society. These improvements will start locally in certain areas and spread quickly to other areas of this planet. The resetting of the Earth's original template as a paradise planet is now in process.

You it is who will remember all that has materialized since the time you set foot upon this planet and you will marvel at how far we have come since then. When you are in the midst of the changes, one does not always see the entire picture of what is happening but in retrospect, one can appreciate how such great change occurred in relative peace and harmony. The energies coming into this planet are in support of such happenings and as long as one stays in the divine flow of these occurrences without resistance, it will continue to be harmonious for all of this Earth and her inhabitants.

We of the ascended master realms are welcoming many more new masters and adepts to our circle of Light. You will know if you are among those by the changes taking place in your consciousness. You begin to perceive us as your colleagues rather than as beings set above you. Some of you will begin to remember your spiritual identity and know yourself as one from our collective of consciousness, for many of the ascended master realms are taking up physical human forms at this time in order to be of direct and great assistance in the days and times ahead. This Earth and all her inhabitants are in good hands. Be at peace!




傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff



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