Dear sons and daughters of this beautiful planet! I'M MARY!
My heart is radiant with joy! We achieved! We achieved! We managed to lift your souls! The vast majority of you followed the journey with heart, with faith, with great dedication and joy. You see, it wasn't that difficult. And as I said yesterday: Don't despair if you saw nothing, felt nothing. You have been transformed, your souls have been transformed. So there's no reason to be upset or sad.
Keep going, never give up, just see everything with a lot of heart, with a lot of love. When love is involved, there is surrender, nothing goes unnoticed, everything happens even if you don't realize it. Never lose hope, never lose that will for evolution, for ascension. It is our role to help you as much as possible. Help you, sometimes yes, being a little stronger in the way of talking, so that you get out of that childhood, of thinking that those you love don't attract attention.
Many of you still have this belief that because we are Beings of Light, we can never speak more harshly or attract attention. And then, I tell you my children, this is the ego speaking: “How can such an evolved being call my attention? He just has to give me love.” This you don't have to ask, because we do it all the time. We don't stop liking you, loving you because we call your attention, on the contrary, it's because we love you very much, and we want you to follow the right path, that's what we call your attention for.
Love is that too. To love is not to agree with everything. Loving is not how you say "pamper the other". To love is to be true, to show the right path, this is love. But many of you still don't understand this and even doubt that we are the ones who are talking, because you think that because we are evolved, we can't call your attention, we can't talk a little more harshly.
Understand, sweet words nurture the ego. Sometimes we need to be a little harsher so that the ego manifests and you can see it face to face. So get out of these beliefs that “those who love don't attract attention”. Whoever loves wants what is right, whoever loves wants the one who is loved to follow the right path. And if he's going down the wrong path, how do you make him realize? Running your hand over your head or getting attention, showing him the right way?
We are not here demanding that you believe us. Each one listens to their heart, and when the heart feels our love, those harsher words don't bother, because deep down they know they need to hear that. It is a form of change, of following another path. But it's all right if you don't agree either, if you think it's not us, if you think that Beings of Light don't scold, don't fight. It's okay, we don't care because we love you unconditionally.
We understand that in these cases, the ego is still very active and does not let you hear the truth: “What do you mean, these Beings of so much love speaking in this way?” Yeah, and then you believe in the ego, because you don't want to hear the truth. Ah my children, you have no idea of ​​the things your egos are capable of doing to you. The ego is something that protects you, it is not evil.
Don't see the ego as an evil entity, it just protects itself and protects you. He never lets you see or understand that you are wrong, ever, because he is always right, therefore he is the ego.
So it's all right my children. Believe us, whoever wants to; believe what we say, whoever wants to; believe in the paths we show, whoever wants to; and it's all right. We never change our way of loving. You can blaspheme against us, you can say ugly words against us and we will continue to love you the same, we will never judge you. But for those who give themselves wholeheartedly to what we say, I can only say: Keep going, the journey is beautiful, don't let yourself be discouraged because you can't see or feel. You have been transformed and will be much more.
Now be ready, because everything is there in front of you. Don't close your eyes so you don't see. Accept your own mistakes, accept your faults, because only looking at them head on are you able to change your way of being and facing the situation. This is the great learning, this is the evolution: It is accepting, understanding and changing in relation to mistakes.
My beloved children, surrender to this journey, it is wonderful. Participate all the time, but with an open heart, wide open, so that we can have more and more space in your heart and expand more and more in it. Yes, when you open your hearts, our energy in there grows, and we can tickle your hearts. And they are happy, laughing, extremely bouncing with joy. And then, you can feel this joy coursing through your bodies, without you understanding why: “Why am I feeling this way?” It's us in there, tickling your hearts, putting so much love and so much grace into them. But for that to happen, we need you to allow us to come in, for you to open your hearts to what we say, for you to understand what we say.
Understand, you don't have to take everything we say to the letter. We want you to think, we want you to have your own opinion, but if at least you stop to think about what we say, we are already too happy, because you paid us attention, you stopped to listen to us. And you may even get a little too thoughtful about what we say, but you will get your answer because when you open your heart we will be there, explaining between the lines what we wanted to say.
Yes, there is always something between the lines and only those who open their hearts, only those who listen to us carefully, will be able to understand what we say between the lines; because we will be there explaining, showing, helping to understand. Now, those who don't open their hearts will be doubtful, maybe they won't understand, maybe they won't accept it, they'll doubt that it's us, and that's all right. Maybe one day down the road they will understand us.
So sons and daughters, keep your journey, it is beautiful, enlightened. So today I will leave my share. Yesterday my son said beautiful words, so today I will leave mine. Repeat as many times as you want, there are no limits, but as he said: Always do it with a lot of love in your heart, always do it with your heart.
Roses give perfume.
Roses give beauty, but roses also give thorns.
So may the thorns of my journey be soft so that they don't hurt me and allow me to cherish all the roses.
As I said yesterday, these words contain my energy and by repeating them, you will have me immediately in your hearts. But only if they're open, otherwise I'll be there waiting for a gap so I can get in. Carry on my sons and daughters. Don't be discouraged. You are doing so much for yourselves and for your brothers and sisters on this beautiful planet.
作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias