Accessing New Information, Downloads & Ideas ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


accessing new information downloads & ideas - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We have been very excited to witness the way that you all have been accessing the packets of information, the downloads, that have been coming to you from your higher minds, your guides, and other beings in higher dimensions like ourselves. You have been receiving healing energies, but you have also been receiving the templates, the structures, through which your new society will be built. And all it takes is a few of you to be able to receive and translate the energetic downloads into ideas for real change to come about there on Earth.


You are the changemakers, the wayshowers, and the lightworkers who can envision a society where everyone has enough, is treated fairly, and there is peace all across the planet. And so, you must be the ones who will take those new ideas, those new paradigms to the rest of the collective.

Now is not the time to be pointing fingers at who is responsible for what and who is doing what behind the scenes. But rather, now is the time to be opening up your hands, your palms, your crown chakras because there is so much to receive from the higher realms that will help you to create the society that you have always wanted to be a part of.

And all of you who have empathy and compassion in your hearts are more than qualified to build the structures, the systems, the paradigms for the next reality that you want to inhabit, and that you want to take everyone else with you to. When you truly understand that and you let go of the feelings of not being good enough, you can lead humanity into the new age, the new awareness, the time you have all been waiting for.
你們所有心中有同理心和同情心的人,都更有資格為想要居住的下一個現實建立結構、系統和範式,你想把其他人帶到身邊。 當你真正理解了這一點,你放下了不夠好的感覺,你就可以帶領人類進入新的時代,新的意識,你一直在等待的時間。


And we will be here to support you, cheer you on, and give you whatever you need to become the force to be reckoned with that you as the awakened collective truly are. You have what it takes, and now is the time. We are not alone in believing in you, and we are not alone in our excitement about seeing what you will create.
我們將在這裡支持你,為你加油,並為你提供需要的一切,讓你成為真正覺醒集體所需要的力量。 你有什麼需要,現在是時候了。 我們不是唯一一個相信你的人,我們也不是唯一一個對看到你將創造什麼而感到興奮的人。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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