The changes to the systems that have been operating upon this planet are taking place. There is no choice for those who have created them but to make changes that will reflect the highest good of all. The energies that are now permeating the planet will not allow for anything else than that. Be at peace – hold your equilibrium and balance – hold your Light as these changes take place. It is a most exciting ride as the ascension of the Earth, your planet, continues on its inevitable journey. You it is whom we the ascended master realms and the angelic realms rely upon. You are the Lights, the beacons, the points of reference upon your planet that we connect to in order to bring through guidance, healing, enlightenment, activations and attunements.
We, who are known as the ascended masters from the higher realms are those who have walked in the footsteps that you are now walking. Of course, we did this all before the advent of the internet. Now, this amazing universal web of information makes that which comes through from us more easily accessible. This is a most wondrous tool! Many of you as you watch the programs on your news media see through the illusions that are being created. There are many who instantly see through these illusions and detach from them and this is a very positive development through the world-wide web.
The information through the internet flows in both that which is true and that which is deceptive. It remains for you, the Lightworkers, to tune inwards into the core of your being where you can check to make sure that which you read or listen to is of the highest vibration and truth. There is much deception that floats through this avenue. We ask you to be aware and to check inwardly to ensure that you do not fall for any deceptions that are rampant upon this world-wide web. Work together in unison when the opportunities arise. Work in groups small and large to bring forth personal healings, to bring forth clearings that require assistance so that they are loosened from the auric field of those who require this activity to take place.
There are varied internal programs that have been running within many individuals which have stubbornly embedded into the DNA. These need help, group help and group focus in order that these individuals be freed from these old energies. Know that even the energies that are imbuing the atmosphere around the Earth at this time are serving that function. If one is able to go within the stillness of their true being, their inner core, one can attune to these cosmic energies to bring balance, to bring healing where it is required.
We pledge that we will honor all requests for healing and clearing from those who call upon us for this service. It is imperative that our Lightbearers be freed from the old matrix. It is imperative that we are attuned to each other in the days ahead. You from the physical planes of life and we from the higher realms know that we work together. Make this a conscious intention throughout your daily lives that we stay connected as one so that we are all on the same track. Know that you are all being informed internally and beyond your sleep of that which you need to know during these times. This is where true information, the truth, the Divine truth is given to you.
There are many things that cannot be circulated throughout your world-wide web at these times so it is important that you set the intention that you are kept abreast of all the inner plane workings, plans and instructions that are given. Many there are who are on the brink of awakenment. This is a very positive potential that is occurring at this time and we ask you to continue in your task. You know how to do it; you are experts and masters of this. Many of you feel tired and rather put upon with our continual request to hold the Light. You feel you wish to move beyond that point into ascension but we say to you, Dear Ones, that the task that you have chosen is to continue to hold the Light so that there is more stability upon the planet during these very times!
As you know yourselves, there is much that seems chaotic, much that is puzzling, much that is incredible, much that is revelatory in its import and so it is important for you to keep on keeping on. We are relying upon you, the Earth team members. We will do our very best to support you. We will always answer your calls for assistance or clarification. It is important for us to tell you that it is through the planetary Family of Light, the ascended master realms, that any implementations and changes take place. The Star Nation brothers and sisters are aware of this, that they must check with the planetary Family of Light before any action or assistance takes place.
There are no otherworldly, offplanet beings who can do anything without first checking with us. It is the ascended master realms who are in charge of the comings and goings that take place upon your planet. They work with us and through us. This is why it is important for each of you to align to the ascended master realms, to the ascended master consciousness. This is very, very important.
Know that you are very much loved, supported and given all that you need in order to continue to maintain and sustain the stability of the Earth.
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff