The Awakened Collective the E.T.s Are Waiting For ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the awakened collective the ETs are waiting for - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are extremely satisfied with the progress that we can feel you making within your collective consciousness there on Earth. More of you are awake on Earth than at any other point in human history. This means that you have the collective power to see great changes there on your planet, but it also means that you must let go of the beliefs that separate you in order to harness your collective power as the awakened collective.


You must let go of the ideas that are putting you in one camp or another so that you can be free, finally, to unite, to come together, in order to change the world for the better. And so, rather than focusing on the details that you disagree on, we invite you to focus on the truths that you can agree upon.


We are talking about the truths that include your sovereignty as Source Energy Beings and creators, and we also know that you can agree that there need to be changes there on Earth to make it a more harmonious world, where everyone is free, respected, and where people stop fighting over what religion is right and stop fighting over resources like oil, and the boundaries that separate you, the borders that are completely unnecessary.


You are one human race, and those of you who are awake have a unique opportunity to come together, in spite of your different opinions and perspectives. You all have the opportunity to be the collective that extra-terrestrials, who are waiting in ships in your atmosphere, are waiting for you to be. They want to connect with a unified humanity, one that they know they can trust, and they also want to see you evolving to the point where you don’t see different as scary or bad. Embrace the differences between yourselves and other people within the new age and spiritual community.

It’s better that you don’t agree on everything, because you don’t want to become a cult. You want to honor that diversity that exists, and also see the Source Energy in each and every one of your fellow humans, so that you can come together as the harmonious whole that is and will be the fifth dimensional society you seek to create.
最好不要在所有事情上達成一致,因為你不想成為邪教。 你想要尊重存在的多樣性,並在每一個人的人類同胞中看到本源能量,這樣你們就可以作為一個和諧的整體聚集在一起,這就是你尋求創造的第五維度社會。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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