

We shall very likely repeat ourselves many times in this message. But please bear in mind that the events that have been foreseen, that we have warned you of, are very likely to come upon you quite soon.

A great deal of what needed to be accomplished has been completed. Some last adjustments and arrangements still remain, but what was best called progress before ought to be termed velocity now.

When we began these messages, we told you of vast change that would happen almost instantly or overnight. Great chaos would likely have occurred has that happened. We since have modified that forecast several times. And we did that because of your own collective decisions.

Now, we always hear great yowls of “I never decided that. I want it all right now.” Etc. But we tell you once again, as we have many times on the past, that what you consider to be your selves are actually not even a large part of your true selves.

The largest part of your true selves is quite unknown to the awareness of most of you. And the larger part of your consciousness is in constant communication with us and with each other. The sooner you can come to grip with this concept of your being, the sooner your evolution will accelerate. That is what you have as the core motivation of your existence, even though you mostly do not give it much thought.

Be prepared now for the events that you have wanted. Be prepared for them to play out in ways that you never imagined. Be prepared to pitch in and build a new world. Couch potatoes will not be in great demand.

In your past you were made to feel helpless. “What can I do?” was an oft heard refrain. In the future, what you will be able to do is to find out what you can do. No one’s effort will be unneeded. There will be more to do than there will be hands to do it. But your available resources will soon expand beyond your belief. Vast amounts of technology, for instance, will be available. Most of your systems will be completely reconfigured.
在過去,你被鍛造成感到無力。 “我可以做什麼?”是一個經常聽到的副歌。在未來,你能夠做的就是發現你能夠做什麼。沒有一個人的努力是不被需要的。需要做的事會比手還要多。但可供你獲取的資源會很快超越你的信念。大量的技術,比如說,可以被獲取。你的大部分系統會完全重構。

Find what you love to do. Find what you are good at. How much money it will get you will soon have little meaning. And in the future it will have no meaning at all. No one will go without their needs. The distribution of your world’s resources will be fair for each of her inhabitants.

All of this has been happening while you thought nothing was happening. There are a great many to feel indebted to, even though you may never hear of them. Be grateful.




傳導:Ronald Head


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