Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I'M SANANDA!
Once again with great joy, once again with the heart bursting with Love and Light, for every inhabitant of this planet. My sons and daughters, open your minds, focus on the path of your souls. Don't cling to your own mistakes. Each error presented, each error acknowledged, each error admitted, is not a punishment, it is not our finger pointed at you, on the contrary, we are there with open arms, enlightened hearts and minds fully focused on your mind, so that the understanding of that error lead you to walk the right path, to make the right decision.
If the mistake was in relation to the other and it is necessary to ask for forgiveness, or to forgive, do it. No, if the mistake doesn't need forgiveness involved, learn it and repeat to yourself that you will do everything possible not to make this mistake again. I can tell you that as you interpret the technology on your own planet, you are making evolutions, improving your applications and your programs. So I can say the same of their minds; it is as if you have today a mind that vibrates in the Third Dimension and another mind (in parallel) that is being formed with each expansion of consciousness made in the mind of the Third Dimension.
So try to learn from every mistake. Don't judge yourself, don't think you're incapable; the error does not have this purpose when shown. The purpose is exactly the evolution, the learning, the understanding of what that action caused in the other. Many times, you do small things that in your minds understand that they do not affect anyone, but sometimes they do. And then, you can think like this: “But this is so silly, this doesn't matter to me”, but to the other it does. He still doesn't have his consciousness expanded, for him that is important. So don't judge the actions of others by your conscience. Respect everyone's way of thinking.
If that is important for the other but it is not for you, because you have already learned that that is ego, or that is something that is not good for the soul, very well, for him it is still not clear that this is not good , for him everything is fine and he will continue in that form for a long time to come. It won't be you fighting, talking, condemning him that will make him change, on the contrary. Always remember that those who do not have expanded consciousness do not understand the way you think, for them it is you who are wrong, not them.
So don't try to make anyone change. When we have said here that respect is as important a feeling as Unconditional Love, it is exactly for that. Respect each other's opinion, respect each other's way of being. Does it bother you? Don't you agree? So there's an action to be taken, forgive them; because if they are causing so much negative energy in you, it is a sign that you still cannot forgive them, cannot accept them as they are, and emanate this bad energy towards them.
Then simply forgive them for making a mistake; but there is an addendum there, ask forgiveness also for not knowing how to understand them. Many times when I speak here; in forgiveness, asking for forgiveness, many are afraid, many don't act, they don't do it, because they feel that the other person will not receive it properly, because that other person will be acting with the mind, not with the heart. Every request for forgiveness or every forgiveness made can be done heart to heart.
So it would be, you being inside your heart and calling the other person's heart, and then yes, you ask for forgiveness or you forgive. That other person's heart will receive your request or his action, and this feeling will vibrate in that other person. He won't quite understand why he's thinking of you in a different way, he won't understand. But surely, his heart, his divine presence, will make him understand and his request or his action to forgive will be delivered, without the interference of the other person's mind.
So always act from divine presence to divine presence. And how to access the divine presence? You have already been taught, access your caves, there is the divine presence of each one. And as you call on the other person's heart, call on their divine presence and make sure that they hear, that they receive your message. Don't want to make the world act the way you think is right. We don't. If we could simply change the minds of every inhabitant of this planet, Earth would already have ascended with everyone on it. Everyone would have ascended because we would have changed their vibrations.
And why don't we do that? Because we respect each soul's free will, we respect each soul's way of thinking, we respect each soul's choices. So how do you want to do it differently? Do you want to change people? Do not do it. This is an action that gives you back immense karma; invasion of free will has a very negative weight on your path, because you want to change the other. So accept the other as he is, no matter if he is right or wrong, in your view.
We don't judge anyone, how do you want to judge right and wrong? Every soul has a journey and a learning experience, and if he acts this way, it's because he believes this is right. “But you know he is wrong” Very well, the time will come for him to realize this or not, maybe he needs a few more incarnations to learn this. It will not be you who will teach him. Understand this. Every soul incarnated on this planet now is at the appropriate level for its evolution.
我們不會評判任何人,你如何評判對和錯?每個靈魂都有一個旅程,一個學習體驗,如果他如此行為,這是因為他認為這是對的。 “但你很清楚他是錯的”,讓他意識到的時間會到來或不會,也許他需要更多的化身來學習。輪不到你去教導他。明白這一點。現在每個化身的靈魂都處於對它來說恰當的水平。
Each soul is perceiving and feeling, each is perceiving and feeling things that it has never felt and is not quite sure how to deal with it. Many are exploding, in the broadest sense of the word; they are taking actions that have never been taken, but that have always been inside their souls, that is, they are showing themselves to be true, leaving falsehood aside and are surprising many people. Others are realizing their own mistakes and are taking different paths; ways they understand to be better.
So understand that change is happening, however much it may not seem to you. Watch people, many are changing; some for the better some for the worse, they are just becoming receptive to what they are getting. Some are enjoying it and improving, others are not enjoying it at all and are getting worse, and that will be what will define, each one's journey to the Fifth Dimension; either they will or they will not. Simple. There is not much difficulty in understanding, there is not much to do.
The vibrations and feelings are what will determine who will and who will not, there is nothing to do otherwise. So let each soul make his choice. Respect the other's opinion, respect the other's way of being. "But you don't agree." So there we have a very serious problem, because you're forgetting to respect the other, you're trying to impose your idea and your will, and that's not right either.
振動和感受會決定誰會誰不會,其它沒什麼要做的。所以讓每個靈魂做出自己的選擇。尊重別人的觀點,尊重別人的存在方式。 “但你不同意。”所以我們會有一個很嚴重的問題,因為你忘記了尊重別人,你在試圖施加你的想法和意志,這也是不對的。
Even children. You often want to impose things that make no sense to them, you want them to think like you (as adults); they're not ready for that yet. So try to be adults with the same mentality as your children, so that you can demand from them what their minds are ready to receive. Do not demand more, because then you will be causing serious problems in these children.
Children, as the name implies, are children, not small adults. Accept to hear what your children have to say; they have a voice, but many of you think that everything they say is nonsense. And within this nonsense, many things can be hidden that you should know, just pay attention. Respect your children, because they are children. Many come with much, much higher soul baggage, the souls that are here, even the evolved ones, because they will be the ones who will take care of the next world, at the right time.
So don't want to impose old,broken and meaningless rules on your kids, they know it doesn't work and they won't accept it. Conversation is the best way. Argument is the best way, not violence, not imposition for the sake of imposition “I'll do it because I want to” This doesn't work for them. You have to explain why you want him to do it, what's the point of it, what does he gain from it?
So if you have an argument he will understand and do it. Usually those who don't know how to argue are the dictators: “You have to do it because I want you to do it” And they end up creating violent and highly unpleasant children for the world, because they become annoying children. Why? Because you force them to do what they don't want to do, or at least to do what they don't understand, why they have to do it.
90% of the children that are being born are extremely evolved souls, with immense Unconditional Love. Pull for this Unconditional Love, know how to talk to them. I repeat: Talk. Not ordering, shouting and attacking, is talking; and talking you will have many surprises. And I say more, they will have a lot to teach each of you. Now, you need to open your hearts and listen to what they have to say.
Don't just look at them as children who just talk nonsense. Why 90%? Because 10% are not generated by the Light, so they are already born with a path: “The non-light”. So these will remain in the Third Dimension for quite some time yet, they won't have a chance to evolve.
Finishing this message of mine, respect the other, whether adult or child. Never try to impose your ideas. Ideas are to be placed, appreciated, demonstrated, never imposed. Each soul has already made its choice. Each is ready to learn or not willing to learn; there's no way you can change that. Accept each soul as it truly is. If this brings you suffering, ask for our help and we will alleviate your suffering. But we can't do anything about that soul, because we respect his free will.
The keyword is unconditional lolve. And a good way to get there: respect, understanding, acceptance. You are expanding your consciousness. So these are the first steps that you need to take, every second.
傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias