


Oh!  I'm so glad to be here, today, again!  Don't think I don't miss it either!  I feel!  Because I like to talk, I like to teach, I like to guide and that's how I get to put out everything I want!

So, we are starting another cycle.  What will happen in this new cycle?  A lot of things!  I cannot affirm, nor effectively disclose what will happen or what will not happen!  Only, I say to you: The planet is approaching the apex of distance where the energy of the Central Sun will reach with full intensity.  This is transformative!  You are already being transformed!  Stop for a while!  You don't need to sit, meditate, concentrate, call the Beings!  I would say that, in today's time, it is enough for you to sit in nature, on the sand on the beach, in the garden, on a rock, just be very close to the forces of nature and simply be grateful!  Be grateful to be alive, be grateful to be living in this time!

Many are afraid!  Not few!  Many are afraid!  But I would say there is nothing to be afraid of!  You simply have to surrender to the flow of life, of the Light, of everything that is coming!  Surrender to your Masters, surrender to your ideas regarding your journey!  So, try, one day, to do that!  Just sit and watch nature.  How is nature?  A leaf falls either because the time has passed, it no longer has the strength to remain glued to the tree or because of a very strong wind or because a bird landed and knocked it down, but it is there simply living, day after day, where one day, it it was a single cell and it grew and grew and became a leaf and with the passage of time it withers, dying so that new leaves appear.  So nature does not obey anyone, nature does not depend on anyone.  It depends on all the forces that are involved there, the forces of nature itself.  But one leaf does not ask another: “Should I fall or not?  Should I grow up or not?”  No!  Each one makes its way, each o ne follows its destiny and those other cells that will not be leaves, will be stems, will be trunks!  None asks permission to be born, to grow, to take care of that space, to become a big tree, to grow!  None ask!  And I say more!  They don't ask permission, not even from Father/Mother God because they know that they are His fruit and that they are there to grow, to fulfill their life path and that's what they will do!  You don't need to ask anyone anything, just let yourself be carried away by the weather that may happen around you.

So, make a comparison: When you are born, you are born at the right time.  Yes!  You even learned to manipulate time, to manipulate the will of a child to be born!  But, know that this is not good because everything has the right time and everything that is done in a hurry, accelerated, at some point, the bill arrives because nature's exact time was not given to happen.  So, everything has its time.  Nobody asks for permission to grow, you are born and start to grow, you get older over the years, becoming more adults, until you start walking in reverse, towards the death of the physical body.  But nobody asks permission to grow, nobody asks permission to die, everything has its time.  So take these examples for your current life.  Don't manipulate life!  Don't manipulate time!  Just let it happen.  With each waking day, be grateful for one more day, no matter what you did at night!  Your souls know!  If it is not time for you, consciences, to know, it is because it is not time for you to know, but your missions are being fulfilled.  So why manipulate time?  Why manipulate the other?  Why manipulate life?  Why manipulate a family, a city, a state, a country?  Everything that is done out of time, out of the curve, for sure, the results will not be good!  Everything that is done at the right time, in the time of Father/Mother God, only brings joy, only brings happiness, only brings good fluids.  

But you don't!  You accelerate, you don't have the patience to wait, you want everything for yesterday!  And then, in the same way that you accelerate everything, the lessons also accelerate, and then, many times, you go through lessons that you were not prepared to go through and then, cry, suffer, despair, become poor things: “I didn’t deserve that!"  But what did you do to deserve this?  Why does each of you suffer what you suffer?  Punishment?  No!  I hope this idea is long gone!  Father/Mother God does not punish, no Being of Light punishes!  So why the suffering?  It's the speeding up of time!  It's doing things out of time!  It's wanting the things that shouldn't be wanted!  All of this brings results and when they come, you don't like them!  You think, if you feel wronged, you feel mistreated, that all Beings turned their backs on you and forgot about you!  But who made the decision?  Who carried out the plan?  I guarantee it wasn't us!  It wasn't Father/Mother God!  But, you n eed to blame someone!  So, you will blame the planet, you will blame the rain, you will blame the river, you will blame the earth, you will blame the wind, you will blame someone, unless accepting the result of the soul journey.

It is true that the vast majority of people on the planet do not have this vision of harvesting, planting and harvesting!  They do not!  So, these really think they are the eternal poor people, the eternal punished, the eternal wronged and I say more, they will not change these concepts anytime soon!  It will be very difficult for them to change all that they believe in!  Now, who is awake, then I do not accept!  I can't believe that you still look up to the sky and say, "Dad, why am I going through this?"  It would be interesting for you to hear Father/Mother God's answer!  He simply sends you lots of love and tries to show you, in that moment, where it all started!  Where it all came from and it's often a thought that goes through your mind, but you don't give it much importance and let it go, but the answer was there!  God did not look to the side and leave his supplication unanswered, He gave him the answer: "Here, son, it's the result of this here!"  But you don't see, you don't h ear, you don't feel because you are the eternally wronged, the eternal poor things.  So I tell you this: Your planet is changing!  Changing as a consequence of man's actions, the consequences predicted by your own scientists are coming, there is nothing to be done!  Yes, there is something to learn!  So, no more time to try to fix it, time to fix it is coming to an end!  What do you need to do?  It's learning, it's looking at a river that rises, at a river that fills in an extremely violent way, looking at it and asking: What did I do to make you stay like this?  And then, it's quite possible, it's quite likely that you won't find your answer because you didn't truly contribute to it, but the answer is way back in your soul journey.
確實,大多數人沒有這個視角,播種並收穫!所以,他們永遠認為自己是可憐人,永遠被懲罰,永遠受委屈,我想說他們不會那麼快改變這些概念!他們很難改變他們相信的一切!現在,醒來的人,無法接受!我無法想像你依舊看向天空並說“父親,我為什麼會經歷這些?”聽到父母神的回復一定會很有趣!他只會發送你大量的愛和嘗試來展示給你看,在那個時刻,一切都開始了!通常是一個通過你頭腦的想法,但你並不重視它,但答案就在那!上帝不會把頭轉過去,不回應你,他給予你答案“這裡,孩子,結果在這裡!”但你看不到,你聽不到,你感覺不到,因為你永遠在受委屈, 永遠是可憐人。所以我告訴你:地球在改變!由人類的行為導致的改變,科學家預測的結果在到來!是的,有著可以學習的東西!所以,沒有時間去試圖修復,修復的時間在走向完結!你需要做什麼?學習,看向上漲的河流,湍急的河流,看向它並問它“我做了什麼讓你變成這樣?”然後,很有可能,你不會找到答案,因為你並不能真正幫到它,但答案在你靈魂之旅中早已到來。

So when, this was being said, just before I arrived, each one is where he has to be, where he will reap all that the soul has sown.  So I'm a human, a long time ago!  Millennia ago, I started changing the course of rivers, I started silting the rivers, breaking the balance of a forest, breaking the balance of springs, I digging dirt until it bleeds to get the supposed wealth, that which was taught that it would be valuable!  And you pierced, bled Gaia as far as you could no longer, to the very edge of every point.  And with each incarnation, that concept of love for the planet, love for the earth was being forgotten more and more!  So, to deepen the exploration even more, the trees are uprooted, everything is deforested and the balance of the forest is broken a little more, that balance of rains that had the right volume to fall.  No!  But the trees are gone, so how is the rain?  Totally unbalanced, falling violently in some places and failing to fall in others.  But that wasn't millen nia ago, but the playbook was put together and many were following the same path.  So look at your planet today!  Look at the areas that once, millennia ago, were green, look!  Grab a map and look at how these areas look today!  Who made this?  Was it Father/Mother God?  Was it us?  No!  It was man, his ancestors, his very souls!  So, today, you can say that the quota has reached the limit and you are reaping everything you sowed, everything!  So, when I say that everyone is where they need to be, that no one is in the wrong place, many don't seem to believe it, but it's a great truth!  The lesson is brought where it was created, not elsewhere!

So, I'm not going to alarm or tell you that everything will pass!  Unfortunately I would be lying!  So, I prefer to say that the reactions, the consequences are coming!  Why just now?  There is a reason!  For you to learn the lesson because if you ascended without going through anything, you would do the same thing in the Fifth Dimension!  It could even take a while, but exactly how was the golden age of this planet in which it was an age of prosperity, of love and one day it fell.  So, it is good and important that you feel in the flesh (as you say) the consequences of everything you have created so that when you arrive at the Fifth Dimension, with this experience in the flesh, you remember and do not make the mistake of repeating them.  So you're going to go through a lot and it won't be pretty, it won't be easy, it won't be light.  Now, what is most important in all of this!  How will each one interpret everything that goes through: Angry?  With hate?  Raging against everyone and ev erything?  Signing your own non-evolution or you will simply understand that you are learning a lesson and that you are ready to start over from scratch if need be.

So I would say this year will be quite topsy!  It will not be a calm year!  What will happen?  It's up to you, not us!  It is necessary that the great mass, enough to raise the vibration of the planet, effectively, happens so that everything starts to effectively change!  So let's be very careful what you are emanating!  Outside, the world is swallowing you and if you find yourself powerless, small, without strength, without protection and you cower in a corner, like a mouse, and I say more, inside a hole, inside the wall, you are sealing the way of you because that maxim, where I always say, that the world will fall around you, but if you have faith, you will fall on your feet!  Now, if you look at the world out there and just say or think, "The world will fall around me, but I'll land on my feet!"  The world will fall around you and you will land on your feet!  So, it is in your hands, what you will choose to live: Will you be cornered, like rats in a hole in the wall or simply trust everything you have already learned, everything you believe and simply live, continue the journey to rise.  Each of you must make that choice, how far are you letting the external sink you?  Until where?  So, I'm already warning you: It won't be an easy year!  It will be a very busy and difficult year for many reasons!  For changes on your own planet, for changes brought about by us, for changes brought about by your own rulers!  It won't be an easy year!  Now, you define what you want to live!  You define where you want to go!  We will not be the ones who will take each of you by the hand and say, “No!  Come with me and I'll protect you!"  No!  Now, if you ask for our protection, we will be there by your side and giving you strength, helping you to walk;  the world falling around you and you standing!

I leave it here, today, to finish this message: Think a lot about what you want to live!  What do you want to live during this year 2022?  Do you want to live like mice, huddled inside a hole in the wall or do you who are out there living all the change, with a lot of faith, with a lot of confidence, with claw, with all the tools and armor that you have and standing up, seeing the world around, collapsing and you walking on your feet!  Make your choices!  Middle ground will not be possible!  We have no more walls!  We no longer have the middle of the way!  Either you are one thing or you are another!  Either you trust or you don't!  Trust more or less, do not trust!  Who trusts, faces!  Who trusts, goes ahead!  Who trusts, protects themselves and goes to fight!  Those who trust, follow, believing that they are powerful and that nothing will hit them!  So, once again, I leave it to you to choose what you want to follow during this year!  Rest assured that we will all be here, as always, waiting for each of you to ask for our help and, of course, you will!  Now, don't ask for our help, inside the wall, in the hole, because then you won't have it!  So be careful if you decide to be mice because it will be very difficult for us to help you because you will have reached the threshold of that tram crossing that will be almost in your hands!  Do you remember the tram?  Yeah, it is leavi ng full, every day and the line is long to pick it up and more and more people are getting it’s ticket!  

Do you want to be one more?  No problem!  There's a tram for everyone!  No one will go without going, everyone will!  But I sincerely wish you would take that first class train to the Fifth Dimension!  It is this passage that I want to place in the hands of each of you and I sincerely hope that you will make that choice!  And be sure!  No one will go through anything they can't bear because there, yes, is the love of Father/Mother God!  No child passes beyond what he can bear!  Everything is proportionate!  So, make your choices!  What do you want to live in this new cycle?  What do you want to live this year?  And for sure, we will be guiding you on this long journey, because it will be a very interesting year in which we will need you to trust, more than ever, in everything that has already been said!  And above all, live the way you were taught because any other decision will take you to that hole in the wall!  Think about it!  Where do you want to be?  Make your choices!  This is t he message I leave today!  It's not to discourage anyone, it's not to take anyone's focus!  What I can't do is come here and simply say that it's going to be a beautiful, wonderful year!  You will all earn lots of money, you will live well!  I can't say that because it won't be an easy year!  There's a lot to happen at the same time!  So you need to be ready, that's all!  And choose which side you want to be on!  Don't forget about it!

I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!  And I place my Sword in the hands of each of you!  And if need be, to destroy doubt, fear, anger, any low vibrational feeling, don't be afraid to use it!  Use it!  I give you permission to use it!  So let's say I'm giving each of you a gift today to kick off the year!  A beautiful, shiny Sword with a bluish blade because it is a Sword of Light!  It is not a Sword that cuts, nor that kills!  It is a Sword of Light, and of Blue Light!  So just keep it with you and anytime it takes, cut it, shout it and cut it whatever it takes!  Now, I can't help but say that everything has consequences!  So, be very careful with what you actually cut!  Don't forget that everything has consequences!  But if you are going to use it to eliminate obstacles in your path, fear not!  Use it and you will surely have the strength to get through it all!  I leave my Sword with you, with each one!  Keep it with lots of love!  And, for sure, it will help you a lot, trust it!



傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias



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