Your doubt and micromanagement are the energetic equivalents of throwing a wet blanket on magic that wants to occur. We highly recommend you get out of your own way and give unfoldment a chance! There is so much more available for you than you could possibly realize from your vantage point and the way to uncover those options is to allow the flow to lead you into the realm of discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
While the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, may seem very simple at first glance, it is an intricate system that gives you all of the support and guidance you could possibly need for success on your journey. One interesting aspect that you may not have noticed is it contains a perfect balance between masculine and feminine energies, as well.
Surrender and flow are action oriented. They are expansive and forward moving which makes them masculine. Faith and trust are aspects that involve staying open to receive and are of the realm of connection and intuition, making them more feminine. The masculine leads the feminine and the feminine leads the masculine.
You get the full benefit of the balance that is inherently part of the Divine Combination by employing all of the elements together as a whole system and allowing them to work with and support each other. That is what creates the momentum for you to blaze new trails and make new discoveries, in a way that is energetically viable for you.
It is both simple and complex, which makes it accessible and effective. We refer to it as the higher vibrational operating system because not only does it lead you into those energies, it also sustains you within them. It is profound and beautiful and we highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust balances out both the tendency to want to force things forward before it is time and, on the opposite end of the spectrum, passively sitting waiting to be rescued. By staying in the system you can embrace both empowered movement and empowered receiving. It leads you to appropriate action when the timing is right because it is completely customized to you and your needs and knows the perfect pacing required for your comfort and success. It is an incredibly efficient system available for you right now that is perpetually programmed to serve you and your highest life expression. You might consider it your own personal ascension assistant. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
“I anchor the energy of…” is a powerful declaration of not only your preferred energetics but also of your energetic service. It becomes a wonderful stabilization point for both you and your planet.
So we ask you, which energy do you wish to anchor today? Choosing to anchor an energy is an incredibly empowering act because if you are anchoring it, it indicates you are already the embodiment of it.
Do you see? The act of anchoring grounds it into your energetics. All you have to do is choose what you wish to anchor and the rest will naturally occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Anchoring gets you and your preferred energetics into your body willingly. So many on the enlightenment journey focus up and out of their bodies. Again we say that you cannot experience embodiment without being in your body!
There are many, many gifts of being in the body. If you are currently experiencing ascension fatigue, can you cast your net wider into a new possibility that being in your body can be a great joy not a burden? You get to do that by choosing whatever energy you wish to anchor and embody.
Can you open to the idea of your body and energetics being a joyful expression of self? Rather than dreading energetic intensity and the ascension symptoms it may temporarily cause, can you include a space of wonder for the fact that you are integrating so many higher vibrating energies into your experience?
Can you move into the embodiment of joyful service to yourself and to others through the energy you anchor? Again we point out if you can anchor it you already contain it, so anchoring is moving a step further in your manifestation process.
There are so many new potentials that are ripe for discovery for you, Dear Ones, in this corridor leading up to 2022. Play and explore, and invite lightness back into your journey! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young