

Most of you find surrender to be doable during easier times, but surrender when you are in very challenging times can be much more difficult. There is a tendency to want to try to have a sense of more control when things are hard. It is also a very normal human reaction to experience more resistance than usual during trying times.

What we want you to understand is surrender is a tool that activates your team of helpers and guides, including your highest self, to provide higher guidance, support and comfort. It allows you to move through difficult times with the greatest amount of assistance possible. Surrendering into your higher guidance moves you into an incredibly supportive flow that will be customized to be gentle and meet your needs. It is a loving blanket that will wrap you up and carry you forward.

Most people find their way to surrender when they are too battered and worn to fight anymore. You do not need to wait until you are in that space to utilize that tool. A simple heartfelt request is all that is required, and the help will immediately activate to guide you through the unknown into the solutions that always exist for the highest good of all. You do not need to go it alone, Dear Ones, we’ve been here for you all along.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, acknowledging what you do really well isn’t going to throw you into ego. Acknowledgement is not about separation or positioning yourself higher than another. It is simply taking a fair assessment of who you are and what your strengths, gifts and contributions to the planet are. If you are not willing to see yourself in that truth, how are you going to create a life that matches your hopes and dreams and purpose? Not only is it safe to finally acknowledge your truth and your unique strengths and abilities, it is absolutely necessary for you to step into your full potential in the new. What we want you to know is you can absolutely do so and still remain the humble, conscious human being you wish to be. Moving out of denial of yourself simply allows you to be even more of who you are meant to be.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Contraction is always a precursor to expansion. We understand contractions can be uncomfortable but they are designed that way. Why? So you cannot possibly stay in a contracted state.

So if you find yourself in a contracted space, we recommend you try to stay out of resistance which will only compound your discomfort. This too shall pass! With your faith, trust, and wisdom, try to remember that every phase serves you. Staying open and curious and willing to cast your net wider to include brand new experiences and solutions will keep you poised for even greater movement when the time comes.

There is delicious anticipation to be had in the wait and great joy to be had in the discoveries you will make when you learn to fully embrace whatever phase you are in.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




So many of you are in deep resistance to your own bodies. Dear Ones, your bodies are dedicated servants to you. They allow you the wondrous ability to feel, to experience, to love in a tangible way. They have worked tirelessly for you from the moment you have taken your first breath, to provide you the vehicle to be on the planet, learning and growing, and participating in the great shift of the ages.

We urge you to make friends with your bodies! They are an essential member of your team. When was the last time you had true love and appreciation for your body? It is a truly miraculous creation.

If there are parts of your body that are not working well, we encourage you to get into a meditation and have a conversation with your body and/or those specific parts. What do they need from you? What would they like you to know? How can you help them thrive? Your body has an innate intelligence that will never steer you wrong if you allow it to take the lead.

Many of you are incredibly judgmental and rejecting of your bodies. What we wish for you to understand is your body is an integral part of you, and when you are rejecting and speaking abusively to it, you are harming yourself. You are practicing resistance and separation consciousness with yourself, which will create a deep discomfort within you and make it difficult for you to thrive. Your negative self talk is detrimental not just to your body but to any other aspects of yourself that are trying to heal and integrate.

Loving your body and truly acknowledging all it does – thanking it, loving it, nurturing it, listening to its guidance, and embracing it as part of the whole of you during your life expression – will shift you into unity consciousness within yourself and from there you will have finally created the perfect conditions for healing and vibrant health that goes far beyond just the physical.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young





傳導:Shelley Young



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