The November 2021 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the november 2021 energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are in the process of selecting the precise energies to be delivered throughout the month of November there on your world by us, and by the colleagues that we have working with us. We know that you all need quite a bit of support at this time, as the energies continue to intensify and as you are continuously bombarded with energies from various parts of the galaxy. Therefore, we know that whatever energies we provide you with will be supportive. They will be grounding, stabilizing, and they will assist you in processing everything that you are releasing at this time.
我們正在選擇在整個 11 月由我們以及合作的同事在你們的世界中傳送的精確能量。我們知道此時你們都需要相當多的支持,因為能量不斷增強,你們不斷受到來自銀河系不同部分的能量的轟擊。因此,我們知道提供給你的任何能量都是支持的。他們將接地、穩定,並且將協助你處理你此時釋放的一切。


As you take on more, you also have to release more, and you are releasing more of what no longer serves you, what is heavy, what is traumatic, and all of the energies that you release make room for even more of these higher-frequency energies that are coming in quite naturally because of where you are in your ascension and where you are as a solar system moving through the galaxy. What you can expect from the more universal, cosmic energies in November is to be inspired, to get enormous downloads about what you should do next. You will be getting ideas for all sorts of things, and you will be encouraged with those inspired ideas to move in a particular direction.
隨著你承擔更多,你也必須釋放更多,釋放更多不再為你服務、沉重、創傷的東西,你釋放的所有能量都為這些更高的能量騰出空間——頻率能量很自然地進入,因為你在揚升中的位置以及你作為一個穿過銀河系的太陽系的位置。你可以從 11 月更普遍的宇宙能量中得到啟發,獲得關於你下一步應該做什麼的大量下載。你會得到各種各樣的想法,你會受到這些啟發性的想法的鼓勵,朝著特定的方向前進。


Your guides and your higher selves, of course, will be orchestrating the delivery of these energies, these ideas, these impulses, and everything else that is coming to you, because they know what you need and when you need it. They are very good at determining these things, and we continue to monitor how you’re doing, how you’re handling the transition into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. We have many meetings and conversations about how you’re doing and what the best approach is to helping all of you.


And so, we just want you to know that you don’t need to do it all yourselves. That’s not necessary, and it’s not productive. It doesn’t help you to get there any more quickly to take on more than your fair share, and it also makes it more difficult for you to enjoy the ride. So take more of the weight off of your shoulders, and give more responsibility to your guides and your helpers, your galactic team, your star family. They are all there waiting to assist in whatever ways they can without interfering. So let November be a month of letting go and letting help in. Give yourselves plenty of time to rest, relax, and open up to receive because there’s a lot more coming in December as well, and we just want you to be physically, mentally, and energetically prepared. We will do our part.
所以,我們只是想讓你知道,你不需要自己做這件事。這不是必需的,也沒有成效。它並不能幫助你更快地到達那裡以承擔超過你應得的份額,而且還會使你更難以享受旅程。所以,減輕你肩上的負擔,給你的嚮導和助手、你的銀河團隊、你的星星家人更多責任。他們都在那裡等待著以任何方式提供幫助而不會產生干擾。所以讓 11 月成為一個放手和讓幫助的月份。給自己足夠的時間來休息、放鬆和敞開心扉接受,因為 12 月還有更多的事情要發生,我們只希望你在身體上、精神上做了充分的準備。我們會盡自己的一份力量。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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