Huge leaps of growth are possible at this time. Those who have been on their enlightenment journey for a long time may be astounded by how quickly people are waking up and grasping what may have taken you years to understand. This is largely due to you and your efforts!
You had so much love and so much faith you went first to clear a path for others to follow. If you are in the throes of ascension fatigue right now, please know that as more people wake up you will no longer feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You will be entering a new phase that will be much easier for you, much like becoming an elder where you are respected for your wisdom and lifetime achievements but have passed the baton of the heavy lifting to those who are younger and ready to step out onto their own service paths. You will continue to contribute by sharing your wisdom and teachings and the energy of your beingness in whatever ways bring you joy.
All of this reshuffling is exactly what you had dreamed of! It is an indicator of the shift of the ages truly taking hold, for all great changes are done not just by one generation, but also by the next generation picking up where the previous one left off. All of this will be creating momentum that supports a wave of transformation and new potential on your planet, and that is exactly what you had all hoped for all along. Well done, Dear Ones, well done! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The biggest power move you can make on your enlightenment journey is making the shift from knowing about spirituality to living spiritually. Your seeking is a wonderful thing and for many of you provides the first steps toward your embodiment, but ultimately it is your beingness that declares who you really are. Knowledge is often a precursor to action, a springboard, if you will, to how you wish to be. Simply put, reading about love is wonderful, but one loving action allows you to experience yourself as the love, and it is the expression of those spiritual traits you are really seeking.
Hear us when we say you do not need to wait until you reach some level of attainment in order to live your life in an enlightened way. Every demonstration of love, every prayer, every moment of gratitude, every observation of beauty, every word of encouragement to another, every peaceful choice, every kindness – all of it is spirituality in action. What we wish for you to know is there are many, many of you on the planet who simply express who they really are, beautifully and consistently, without any knowledge at all of the ascension process, and that makes just as much of a difference as the actions of those who have studied for their entire lives.
Do you see? The prep work is valuable but don’t get stuck in the habit of being a perpetual student who never quite feels ready to apply their knowledge because the world needs you and your loving actions now, and there is also great joy for you when you allow yourself to step into the experience of being who you came onto the planet to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The quest for power is allowing your ego to lead the way. The quest for empowerment is allowing your spirituality to lead the way. The first will lead to hollow victories, while the second will provide a richness and satisfaction you never imagined possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
When you have gone through a period of intensity, be it energetic or otherwise, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than how uncomfortable you are. But there are key elements that do help minimize your discomfort and help you move through the challenging time with the greatest amount of speed, support, grace, and ease possible. Those elements are surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing and gratitude.
We understand you may not feel like practicing any of those elements when times seem hard, but that is the very time they can help you the most. If you are stuck in a phase that is seeming to persist, we highly recommend examining each of the essential elements and asking yourself how you can start to implement the use of them again.
Any of the elements of surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing, or gratitude, utilized by themselves, will help in their own distinct way. But using them together, just like a code or a combination, (which is why we refer to them as the Divine Combination), is the power move many of you are missing.
There is a magic, or an alchemy, if you will, that only activates by using them all together, and that is the formula you seek, especially in harder times, to move you beyond any blockages into the higher vibrational solutions your soul knows must exist but is having trouble to find. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
During times of energetic intensity, you will see people having a wide variety of experiences. Some people will be triggered and act out. Others may be going through big energetic shifts that result in them temporarily not being as consciously aware as they normally are. Some people will be healing and releasing. Some will be trying on some truths for size only to realize they don’t fit. There will be a myriad of experiences being had.
These are unprecedented times with people going through rapid transformations and realizations in accelerated energies. It is so important to hold the space of grace for others. By holding the space, you make it safe for people to shift beliefs and ideas and allow themselves to grow. If people fear judgment it may result in them holding onto beliefs or behaviours that don’t serve them far longer than they would have if given the safe space to back up and try a different approach that is far more in line with their latest level of attainment.
Just as you deeply appreciate when people accept you in your ever-evolving self expression, your non-judgement holds a safe space that encourages others to explore their next highest version of self and is a gift of love that has the power to heal the deep divisions that are playing out on your planet. You are beings of love and grace at your core, and everyone benefits when you allow those heart-centred values to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young