I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these times of great change. Great change that is in the process of developing now.
And as you have heard, there is nothing that can stop this momentum. This momentum of revolution and evolution that is occurring right now. And great changes are in the winds and coming fast now.
And all of you are preparing for those changes. We have been preparing you. You have been preparing yourselves for those great changes, the great shift that is coming to this planet.
Yes, it will be preceded by several quite major announcements. But change is in the wind now. Now all of you must begin to fully prepare for this. For things will become quite rocky at times. It is unavoidable at this point.
But through the darkness that you have all been moving through, you will fully move into the Light. And not only you, but your brothers and sisters that are ready also to move ahead and into the Light fully. Darkness will be a thing of the past. It is only a part of the illusion.
The illusion that separates man from man, woman from woman at this point now, bringing the Great Divide that is occurring. Bringing the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Bringing the prophecy of two will be gathered in the field, and one will be taken, and one will be left. This is that prophecy now: you are witnessing it, that I gave as Yeshua those 2000+ years ago.
It is those end times now. It is the end of the old, and the beginning of the new. The New Golden Age of Gaia. You are all on the cusp of that New Golden Age right now.
And what can you do? You can do much at this point. But the best thing that you can do right now is find yourself living in the present moment as much as you possibly can. And not falling back into the past. Not holding onto the past. Letting go of the past. And forgiving anyone that has been in your past. You must forgive and let go.
Let go of the attachment that you may still be holding onto. For that only holds you to the illusion. It only holds you in this third dimensional expression. But letting go of that, and forgiving all that may have harmed you in the past—that, my friends, moves you out of the illusion, and into the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions. That is what you are all here to do. To let go of the past. To forget the old memories that you don’t need to hold onto any longer. That does not mean the good memories; it means the ones that are holding you back. The ones that hold you to attachment.
And then, the future. The future is what you make of it in the present moment, and the next moment, and the next moment. And when you fully come to understand that, that there is no past, and the only future there is is what you are making right now in this moment. And when you come to fully understand that, then you are ready for the ascension. But in order to do that, in order to come to that realization, all attachments must be let go of. And your thought processes must be only in the higher vibrational thought processes, no longer in the illusion.
So even though there appears to be great turmoil in the world, the appropriate term there is ‘appears to be.’ For it is only what it is to you. And if you do not see it as turmoil and rather see it as change, see it as evolution, and even revolution, if you see it that way, then it no longer becomes turmoil. It no longer brings on fear. It only leads to love. Love incarnate within each and every one of you.
But that is what you are. Every human being on this planet, and all of civilization throughout the universe: that is all you are, is love incarnate.
And yes, there are those that step off of that love train, if you will, and move fully more into the shadows of themselves and find those dark spaces within themselves. And hold onto that, and listen to their ego. It is those ones that are destined to not move along, not be a part of this evolution and revolution. Rather, they will remain behind. But that is of their choice, not of yours.
You choose, each and every one, tomove on. To continue with your evolution through revolution. When I say revolution, I am speaking of that you will not go gently into the night. You will not comply to those that want to hold you back. That want to hold onto this illusion of separation. It is time now to let go of all of that. And let go of the illusion of separation.
Find the togetherness with your brothers and sisters once again. To come together. To be together. To be as one.
And as always, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to know and understand what discernment is, and to know and understand when truths are revealed to you. Because they come from within. They come from those whispers within.
But as you have heard many times, if you do not hear the whispers, then you will hear the shouts. And right now, the world is shouting to you all: “Let go, and let God work His/Her miracles through you.”
I Am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love. And that you will find that sense of oneness within each of you, and that deep level of love that is incarnate within each and every one.
傳導:James McConnell