Yesterday we spoke of making friends with the busyness of your mind, and how it can be an asset to your spiritual journey. (If you have not read that message yet, we highly recommend you take the time to do so.) Today we would like to bring to your awareness another service the mind offers you.
昨天我們談論了和你忙碌的頭腦做朋友,以及它如何能成為你精神之旅的一個補品。 (如果你還未閱讀昨天的信息,我們高度建議你花時間去閱讀)。今天我們想要帶給你的意識另一個頭腦提供給你的服務。
It is through your heart you allow your soul to guide your journey. It is through your mind you can receive intuitive hits and nudges from a myriad of guides and helpers (including your highest self) and bring them into conscious awareness. Your mind is like an interpreter of intuition, taking downloads of information and translating them into language to allow your human self to make sense of what you receive and how to proceed on your journey.
You have all heard the oft used expression that you are spiritual beings having a human experience. Without the mind that would not be possible. So make friends with your minds as an essential partner to the knowingness of the soul and the data driven partner of the feeling heart, and you will be embracing all the parts of yourself that make experiencing embodiment possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The heart is instinctive, the brain is knowledge driven. What a dynamic duo for your enlightenment journey! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you are currently experiencing what we call red light/green light energy. It can seem like you are making actual, tangible progress towards your dreams and then that movement abruptly stops. It can be frustrating for you, to say the least, especially when so many of you have been in what has felt like a long waiting period.
Red light/green light energy is common when you are transitioning from a lull period to an action period. You might visualize giant cogs of a machine that are a little rusty or seized up from lack of use. Sometimes restarting the machine is a little jerky. Holding true to your dreams while leaving room for new information or energy to come in to support your success is key.
Your focus and acceptance that all stages serve you are the grease that prepares you for movement full steam ahead. Does your machine require extra support or maintenance before you can be full steam ahead?
Things are speeding up for you if you are experiencing red light/green light energy. You know this because you can feel the abrupt difference between the energies, where in earlier stages of manifestation things are not as tangible. Also, we remind you that traffic lights only apply when you are in motion, so this is a true sign of overall movement.
Red light/green light energy also serves a purpose of allowing you to continue to evaluate your dream. It gives you an opportunity to get even more clarity about what you would like to create for yourself. The red lights let you see how much you truly want it and to evaluate if it is a true match for you, the green lights allow you to experience the joy and excitement of finally having some forward movement. It lets you to take several steps forward, pause, reevaluate, then move forward again.
Energetic phases are very predictable in many ways. If you understand what is going on, you can stay calm, balanced, and focused on your dreams without causing yourself undo emotional stress. And if you deepen into your knowingness that all stages serve you, you can see this a sign of movement and enjoy this phase of the journey, as well. Stay the course, Dear Ones, towards your truest dreams and all will be well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young