

Greetings, We are the Elohim

We come to you this day with a message with great hope, joy and blessings. We hope that you will understand this even though your outer world appears to tell a very different story. We ask you to go deeper within yourselves and find that spark of light, that pure love of truth that you truly are. You see, from here you have the perspective of truth. Lies cannot dissuade you, distortions cannot affect you.

You see you cannot engage with the outer illusions, and expect to discern truth. You must learn to come into your own undeniable and absolute truth. You see things are unfolding at rapid pace. Trust in letting go, dear ones. You must let go. When you let go you move into your truth. It is the very nature of holding on which keeps you enamoured and engaged with the distortions of the outer world that you see. Your eyes are deceived, dear ones. Your minds have been conditioned over a large period of time to see largely and only the distortions of the matrix. This is why, when you meditate, and you calm your mind, and you come into that heart centre of yours, you can see and perceive other worlds that the matrix does not present to you, does not show to you.

This is why we ask you repeatedly to practice and to make it a daily practice at least once a day, and more is better, to come into that sacred heart of yours, that special place where the true you resides. From there, there are no distortions. You can see and feel everything as it truly is. Dear ones we understand what you are going through. You are going through a transitional process where on one hand you are learning to let go of the ways that were, and as they pass out, you are welcoming the new ways that are and will be. We know this has caused confusion in many of you for the subtle overlays of the two can make it all too easy for you to fall back into the old distortions and mis-truths. We ask you to be aware of this, dear ones, and see if you can catch it and correct this by immediately going back into your heart centre truth.

There is another practice we ask of you, and that is the practice of fully re-connecting your entire cellular structure. That is all of your cells, and the fields between your cells back to your heart centre truth. You can do this by simply using your breath and intention. First, we ask you to go into the meditative state. Bring yourself into your heart centre, and of course ground to Mother Earth Gaia. Then we ask you to connect with, using your intention, each and every cell of your body. Take a moment to feel them, to hear them. They are like individual consciousnesses within the collective of you. Much like a solar system is within the entirety of the galaxy. Ask your cells if they would deeply realign and fully connect to your sacred heart centre, and to allow each breath to infuse them with the connectiveness and love-light of your sacred heart centre. Now dear ones take deep slow breaths and feel that infusion of light into every cell. Feel the joy, the excitement, the divinity, the health, the vibrance glow in your cells as you do this. Keep breathing this way for as long as you wish.

This is the simple practice we ask you to practice each day.

Now dear ones, there is an ascension window among many that are upcoming in the weeks ahead and beyond. This simple practice will allow you to expand deeply into and jump into these early opportunities for ascending your consciousness into the 5th dimension, or 5th density, as some of you call it, and beyond, if you wish.

Oh, dear ones, if you could just allow yourselves to feel how readily available these opportunities are to you, and by being in your heart centre and creating that strong vibrant connection between your cells and your sacred heart you most certainly will.

This is our message to you this day, in our peace, our love and our light, we are with you always. Call on us and all of your love- light family whenever you wish to.

And so it is.






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