The practice of judgement comes from the need to use externals to define yourself. It is also the continuation of the myth of a judging God, as you will often mimic how you believe God to be.
As you move along your enlightenment journey, which is really a process of coming Home to yourself, you will come to a point where you know and accept yourself and your own truth so completely, as well as the continual unfoldment of your own evolution through the use of surrender, faith, flow and trust, that the need to judge or use externals as a way of defining yourself is no longer necessary.
You will know yourself as an individuated aspect of Source, a beloved and integral part of a loving and supportive whole, and from there judgement will be naturally be replaced with acceptance, and separation consciousness will be replaced with unity consciousness. Peace, compassion, and understanding will become prevalent, which is exactly how the energies of heaven on earth will be experienced and anchored on your planet. What a glorious process of evolution! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
To come back into harmony with another, it can be very helpful to find an activity you can both share from a place of open receptivity. Meditation, song, dance, cooking together, a hobby or sport you both enjoy, time spent in the beauty of nature, a road trip – anything that creates a shared experience will offer you an opportunity to meet in the middle – to reset, if you will, into far greater ease with each other. It will allow you to join up with each other on the same energetic layer.
They key is to make sure both parties are equally open to it, and from there a shared experience of enjoyment and connection can occur. There has been so much focus on what separates you lately. A wise soul finds connection points that moves you out of resistance into open-hearted acceptance, which will not only improve your relationships with others, it will help support moving out of separation into unity on a much larger scale, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many human beings want things to stay the same to provide themselves a sense of security. But trying to keep things predictable by putting your energy into keeping things the same works against you because you are then actively trying to work against the natural flow of the universe. Over time you will be trying to thrive in expired energies which will only become harder and harder and make you very uncomfortable, indeed.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t have predictability in your life. In fact there are many things you can absolutely count on. Change is a constant. Evolution is a constant. Flow is a constant, whether it be in an action or a lull phase. There are energies you can choose to play with that always make a positive difference, such as presence, gratitude, love, compassion, empathy, faith, trust, co-creation, and acceptance.
When you are working with surrender, faith, flow, trust, and your broadest intentions, you begin to understand change only takes you somewhere better. Your fear of change was born from unconscious creation. As you settle into being an empowered and conscious co-creator, you don’t ever have to be afraid of what shows up.
You are on the planet, in the body, to experience growth and evolution in a very tangible way. You are also participating in the great shift that is occurring on your planet, which is all about pioneering into the creation of a beautiful new earth. By embracing change you are embracing your purpose, and there is no greater satisfaction than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young