
My dear friends, we love you so very much,


Never in your human history have you, as a species, been clearer on what you want from life. Your pandemic inspired you to send cries unto the heavens. "We want to be in this together. We are one world." "We want to connect! We are tired of hatred!" "We are tired of polluting the planet we walk upon." "We are tired of doing things that feel meaningless, going through the motions in life, and feeling duty-bound." "Dear heavens, we are tired..."

在人類歷史中,你們作為一個物種,關於你想要什麼從未如此清晰。 病毒啟發了你去把哭喊發送給天堂。 "我們想要共同面對。 我們是一個世界。 "我們想要連接! 我們厭倦了仇恨! ""我們厭倦了污染。" "我們厭倦了做沒有意義的事情,走走過場,感覺義不容辭。" "親愛的天堂,我們累了..."

And so many of you are tired, dear friends. Many of you are exhausted from trying to "push the river' and/or resisting your own feelings.
你們很多人累了,親愛的朋友們。 你們許多人厭倦了"逆流而上"或者抗拒自己的感受。

All of you are acclimating to the new energies. You are all working diligently to raise your vibration so the new, increased, and beautiful flow of love can move you and move through you unobstructed. Like a wire not yet rated for a higher current, it is your resistance to love that makes you, like that wire, short circuit, burn out, or blow up!
你們都在適應新的能量。 你們都在努力提升自己的振動,這樣新的、增強的、美麗的愛之流動可以暢通無阻地帶動你。 就像一根電線,還不能承受更高的電流,你對愛的抗拒使你,就像電線,短路,燒壞!

Conversely, if you're living in alignment with your heart, which most of you are in many instances throughout the day, you will feel more energized, passionate, and open to guidance than ever before.

Most of you are vacillating between these two extremes, inspired by a thought one moment, exhausted the next.

You have complete control over these dear ones! You can choose to surrender to the exhaustion, nap, rest, and be gentle with yourselves. You can choose to give your own thoughts a rest and do what feels good to you in the moment. In loving yourselves in this fashion, you will raise your vibration and find increased energy. When you are impassioned by or feel drawn to something, you will feel energized if you go with your flow of thinking or action. You will feel tired if you resist. You will feel energized by loving thoughts, and tired or even exhausted by anything less. Best of all, in surrendering to the heart, you surrender to your guidance.
你能夠完全掌控這些,親愛的! 你可以選擇臣服於疲憊、打盹、休息、對自己溫柔。 你可以選擇給予自己的想法一個休息,做感覺美好的事情。 在這樣的方式中愛自己,你會提升你的振動,找到增強的能量。 當你充滿激情或者感到被什麼吸引,你會感到充滿活力,如果你伴隨著你的思想或行為流動。 如果你抗拒,你會感到疲憊。 通過有愛的想法你會感到精力充沛,通過任何較差的你會感到疲憊。 最重要的,臣服於心,臣服於你的指引

Your feelings are a loving barometer that let you know when you're in a higher or lower vibration. They tell you whether or not you are surrendered to your heart and flowing gracefully towards your desires, or whether or not you are resisting a loving flow. In neither case are you right or wrong, good, or bad. You're just having a different experience of life. Don't judge yourself when you're in a low vibe. Just do your best to shift towards a kinder one. your thoughts are the tools you use to fine-tune your feelings.
你的感受是一個有愛的氣壓計,會讓你知道什麼時候你處於更高的或較低的振動。 它們會告訴你你是否臣服於你的心,優雅地流向你的渴望,是否在抗拒一個有愛的流動。 無論哪種情況,你都是對的或錯的,好的或壞的。 你只是在擁有一個不同的生命體驗。 不要評判自己,當你處於較低的振動。 只是盡力去轉變到更高的振動。 你的想法是工具,可以用來調整你的感受。

We have said this many times. Be gentle with yourselves. To the best of your ability, listen to your hearts. Don't push yourselves to do things you don't want to do, or if you must, at least find reasons to like what you're doing. To the best of your ability, try not to indulge in thoughts that bring you down. Instead allow your mind to naturally drift upwards towards what feels best.
我們說過很多次。 對自己溫柔。 盡力聆聽你的心。 不要逼自己去做你不想要做的事情,或者如果必須要去做,至少找到理由去喜歡上你所做的事情。 盡力不要沉浸於令你失落的想法。 而是讓你的頭腦自然朝向感覺起來最好的。

You are all learning to live in a higher vibration. Watch your feelings this week and notice how they correlate to your physical conditions and physical energies. You will soon come to understand, through your own observation, that you are energetic beings who are either choosing your vibration or reacting to the vibrations of the world. It is always your vibration that dictates how you feel, what you will attract, and how gracefully you flow through your days. We wish you ease, grace, joy, and dreams come true.
你們都在學習生活於更高的振動。 在這一周留意你的感受,注意它們如何與你的身體狀況和精力相關。 你很快會明白,通過你的觀察,你是能量存在,要麼在選擇自己的振動要麼在對世界的振動起反應。 你的振動總是在決定你的感受,你會吸引什麼,你會多優雅地度過你的一天。 我們祝願你輕盈、優雅、喜悅、夢想成真。

God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
上帝保佑你! 我們非常地愛你。





傳導:Ann Albers



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