

Dear children, this is your Mother God. I love you. This one has needed rest and she has allowed it. It is important to listen deeply to the needs of the body-spirit and return rejuvenated. Many are the needs of the ascending form , especially in this moment of heat and change as the crystalline structures begin to unwind and twist, move and stretch. (I am seeing tulip bulbs grow from the viewpoint of underground, the roots stretching deep, and the plant bursting forth climbing towards the sun .) You are doing this, children. You are doing this and so you are so weary! Rest in my embrace of flowers, of love. Today is Mother's Day on your sphere, a painful day for many - many mothers have already joined my embrace on this side of your experience and are not with you now, many partners have longed for a baby and have not been able to conceive. Remember you have all been mothers and grandmothers in your many sojourns. You have all been fathers and brothers, you have all been many aspects of your divine self. Today it is the aspect of the divine birthing female that is honored but let us expand it. Let us expand it into love, into inclusivity for the divine is all things. Yes, we honor those who are mothering. (I am seeing a hen with her chicks, a mother owl with her owlets tucked under her wing. I am feeling the protection of being under Mother's wing.) Yes, you are so well loved, protected, nourished and understood. The Divine Feminine aspect of love is awakening upon your world and it will change everything. Today is another catalyst for this change. You are seeding the divine feminine, you are causing these roots of my love for you to go deeper into the soil of Gaia into the hearts of mankind . Just be. Just be this love. Just be my love. Just radiate the heat of passion of my love for you and it will heal, it will balance, it will uplift.





I am Mother God. For too long the divine feminine has been squelched and all have suffered. Balance is returning. The divine is a balanced, even love, covering all woundings of inequality and soothing the pain of loss. Your world is focusing on inequality right now, and the pot is being stirred. Do not assign 'good or bad' to this observation, for that is yet another form of a dualistic viewpoint, and divine looks objectively, neutrally, through the eyes of love. People are waking up . It is part of the waking up process to sift through all of the layers of inequality and pain that being embodied in a masculine-dominant and controlled sector has wrought. You are all my children. You are all tr​​emendously loved. (I am feeling her tears.) These sufferings were never intended but it was known that you would suffer when you embodied, and you chose to come. You chose because you were and are so very, very strong. Strong in my love. Strong in your determination for healing of the realm, and st rong and bold enough to carry this through - no matter what obstacles would face you. You saw that YOU could make that difference and so you volunteered to come. And I bless you, we are all sending you our tremendous love and blessings and we hope that you can feel them, open your heart enough to feel them. (I am seeing a barreling St Bernard running towards me, filled with joy and excitement.) Be healed. Accept our kisses, our love.
我是母神。太長時間神聖的陰性被抑制,所有人都受苦。平衡在返回。神是一個平衡的愛,覆蓋所有不平等的創傷,撫慰失去的痛苦。你們的世界正在專注於不平等,鍋已被攪拌。不要給這個觀察分配“好與壞”,因為這是另一個二元性的觀點形態,神客觀、中性、通過愛的眼睛看待。人們在醒來。篩選掉所有的不平等和痛苦(體現在男性主導和空置的扇區)是甦醒進程的一部分。你們都是我的孩子。你們都被深愛著。 (我感到了她的淚水)。這些痛苦從未是有意給你的,而是知道當你化身你就會遭受的。你選擇前來,因為你非常非常強大。在我的愛中強大。在你決心療愈這個領域中強大,足夠強大和大膽來執行這個任務---無論你會面臨什麼障礙。你看到你會做出那個不同,所以你自願前來。我祝福你,我們發送你我們巨大的愛和祝福,我們希望你可以感到它們,足夠敞開心去感受它們。 (我看到一隻快速奔跑的聖伯納德犬奔向我,充滿了喜悅和興奮之情)。被療癒。接納我們的親吻、我們的愛。

The divine feminine has returned and it is through you. It is through your hands and feet, through your enhancement of the understanding of love, of balance, of harmony. The divine feminine holds space. We - I have been holding space for you. That space is my love, my lap of space. Climb into my lap in any moment. If you need to cry because the world seems too much, then cry. Let it out. Let out the waterfall of tears, for dams create blocks energetically and are not healthy for flowing systems. Do not allow blocks imposed by others. Now is the time of free-flowing love to course through your chakras and nourish them. (I am seeing a waterfall of light extending from Mother cascading down around the earth , covering the people in waterfalls of light, unblocking the chakras. I am seeing that now the chakras are less distinct points of color but prisms of free flowing rainbow light within the ascending human form. I am feeling a rainbow in my spinal column now.) Rainbows come after the rain. It has rained on humanity long enough .
神聖的陰性已經返回,通過你。通過你的手和腳,通過你對愛、平衡、和諧的理解。神聖的陰性會保持空間。我們---我為你保持著空間。那個空間就是我的愛,我的大腿。隨時爬上我的大腿。如果你需要哭泣,出於世界看似壓倒性,那就哭泣。釋放。釋放淚水,因為水壩會創造能量上的堵塞,對流動的系統來說不健康。不要讓他人施加堵塞。現在是讓愛流經你的脈輪並滋養牠們的時間。 (我看到一個光的瀑布從母親傾瀉到地球,覆蓋人類,解開脈輪。我現在看到脈輪不是那麼顏色艷麗的點,而是彩虹光在楊昇的人類形態中自由流動的棱鏡。我在自己的脊椎感到了一道彩虹)。彩虹在雨後到來。雨在人類頭頂已經下了足夠久。

I am your Mother God. Children, happy divine feminine day. All have the divine feminine within. All have this power, this nurturing, this love, this passion for expansion into yet more love. That is me. You have me within you. I love you with a never-ending love. Sit with me in my rainbow of waterfall light and let your sadness, the overwhelm be washed away. Know that you are strong enough for this task and you have been chosen to lead. Lead the charge , my beloved ones. Feel my light pulse within you and be at peace. I am ever with you. I am your Mother God.








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