I am Uriel. I come to you today in my full glory, in my full Light, (1) to let you know dear ones that you are strong enough, that you are brave enough, that yes, you are special enough that I would come to visit you. Yes, you are strong enough. You are strong enough to witness this Light. For this Light is you, this light is you as well.
我是烏列爾。 今天我在自己全部的輝煌和光中前來,來讓你知道,親愛的,你足夠強大,你足夠勇敢,是的,你足夠特殊,我才來拜訪你。 是的,你足夠強大。 你足夠強大來見證這個光。 因為這個光就是你。
I have come to answer your question. What happens if I fall off the bandwagon? What happens when I revert to negative thinking, to patterns of the past? What happens if I become judgmental. What happens if I see this is what is happening but yet I do not take steps?
我前來回答你的問題。 如果我落伍了會怎樣? 當我返回消極思考、過去的模式會發生什麼? 如果我變得評判性會怎樣? 如果我看到這就是正在發生的事情但我不採取措施會如何?
Dearest Ones, you are taking steps just by calling me, by sending your questions out to the universe. I have come in answer. Humans have this idea, this peculiar idea of needing to be perfect, of perfection. But there is no such thing of falling off the bandwagon for that makes one not a good person. There is no such thing as not a good person. Goodness is of your very essence. But you associate goodness with badness and that is what the issue is. Can you change that word? Goodness for Loveness.
親愛的,通過呼喚我、通過把你的問題發送給宇宙,你就在採取措施。 我前來回答。 人類有著這樣的想法,需要變得完美的奇怪想法。 但沒有落伍這樣的東西,因為這使得一個人不是一個好人。 沒有不是一個好人這樣的東西。 良善是你的本質。 但你把善和惡聯繫到一起,這就是問題所在。 你能改變詞彙嗎? 把良善改變成愛(Loveness)
Oh, I know. You do not have such a word in your vocabulary but let us make it up now. Loveness. You are of Loveness. That you are of Lightness. Yes, Light. There is no such thing as one that is not Loveness for that is the essence of who you are. Now usemy Light
我知道。 在你的字典裡沒有這樣的話語,但讓我們現在創造它。 愛。 你是愛。 你是光。 是的,光。 沒有一個人不是愛的說法,因為這是你的本質。 現在使用我的光。
use your Light to shine upon all that is disturbing thee at this time. Or use thy Light which is my Light as well to change that which is disturbing thee. You may call on any one of us. It is with joy, deep joy that I have come in answer to these questions.
使用你的光,照耀所有令人煩惱的東西。 或者使用你的光,也就是我的光,改變打擾你的東西。 你可以呼喚我們任何一個人。 伴隨著喜悅,我前來回答這些問題。
Now, what can Loveness do? Loveness has the ability to see within the eternal caverns of the universe. Caverns which have been known to a few throughout what you would call your ages. But this has always been your eternal right and a gift that you were promised. So take a moment now and go within these caverns. Find that which speaks to you. Travel with me now as we go to the crystalline cave of the Pink Light. We travel on the Silver Light which is of my essence but you may travel on any Light that you so choose for all Light is of the Loveness. Come, hop along as we begin our journey.
現在,愛可以做什麼? 愛有能力看到宇宙永恆洞穴中的東西。 洞穴只被少數人所知。 但這一直都是你永恆的權力,一個你被承諾的禮物。 所以現在花點時間,進入這些洞穴。 找到跟你說話的東西。 現在和我一起旅行,隨著我們前往粉色的水晶洞穴。 我們在銀色的光中旅行,也就是我的本質,但你可以在任何光中旅行,因為所有的光都是愛。 來,我們一起開始我們的旅程。
Do you see the stars? Do you see the stars twinkling at you? These are of the same essence of you, of Loveness. There is no such thing for a star to fall off the bandwagon as you so put it for it just shines its Light. Can you think of yourself as a star that is twinkling, that is shining your Light? That through this Light is bringing Loveness to all, to all who see it. But the star continues to shine even when one is not watching it. For that is its very essence. Take yourself and let us see you that is shining as a star too, you as yourself of Loveness. Now let us shine the Light that is yours on any question, on any issue that you may have.
你看到星星了嗎? 你看到星星在對你眨眼嗎? 它們都跟你擁有相同的本質,愛。 星星不會有落伍一說,因為它只是閃耀著自己的光。 你能把自己當做一顆閃耀的星星嗎? 閃耀著你自己的光。 通過這個光,把愛帶給所有人,所有看到它的人。 但星星繼續閃耀,即使沒人在看著它。 因為這是它的本質。 讓我們看到你也作為一顆星星在閃耀,愛的星星。 現在讓我們將你的光照耀任何你持有的問題。
Do you see the child, the child within thee that says, I have fallen off the bandwagon. I have made mistakes. I am not good enough as I thought I was. What does a child do when a child falls and scrapes his or her knee? Runs home to mommy and cries. “Come let us kiss it, let’s bandage it” and the child goes off to play happily. The child does not say, “I have fallen and I can never get up again.” Being human is learning to do just that beloved. Falling and then just getting up again.
你是否看到了內在的孩童述說著我落伍了。 我犯錯了。 我不夠好。 當一個孩子摔倒,擦傷了膝蓋,他會怎麼做? 跑回家找媽媽哭訴。 "來,讓我們親吻它,讓我們包紮它",孩子就高高興興去玩了。 孩子不會說"我摔倒了,我再也起不來了。 "身而為人就是學習這一點,親愛的。 摔倒並再次站起來。
Celebrate. Celebrate that you have asked. Celebrate that I have come. Celebrate that I am always with thee as we all are. Celebrate that you are the very essence of Loveness, that Adonai has created you as such. Celebrate that you may now go on your way for a new day, a day filled with the Loveness of that which is you.
慶祝。 慶祝你已經詢問。 慶祝我已經前來。 慶祝我總是與你在一起,因為我們是一。 慶祝你是愛的本質,神創造了你如此。 慶祝你可以擁有新的一天,充滿愛的一天。
Farewell. I am with you. Call on me anytime and I will remind you to shine your Light on any issue, on any question. I leave you with one last thought although there will be many more. For I will be with you bringing these thoughts to you. You have made the Loveness that is me shine brighter with this exchange. For what you ask and experience brings joy that I may serve thee, that I may serve one, all of you that are such bright beings of Loveness.
再見。 我與你同在。 隨時呼喚我,我會來提醒你將你的光照耀任何的問題。 我留給你最後一個想法,儘管有著很多。 因為我會和你在一起,把這些想法帶給你。 伴隨著這個詞語的替換你使得愛更加明亮。 因為你的請求和體驗帶來了我可以服務你的喜悅,你們都是如此明亮的愛之存在。
傳導:Lee Degani