Get Ready for the New Multiverse | Babe Krishna
Get Ready for the New Multiverse
By Babe Krishna
The entire universe is going through an evolution in consciousness. Mankind is at the threshold of a new dimension where we understand ourselves as an aspect of God. It’s the birth of a new era that world religions have been prophesying for millennia. We are at the end of all the yugas, the end of this time as we know it and about to enter a more enlightened age. The heliacal spiral of spirit is penetrating and informing the outer reaches of his own mind and calling us to our new home where the divine and human merge.
整個宇宙正在經歷意識的演變。人類處於一個新的維度的起點,我們將自己理解為上帝的一個方面。世界宗教已經預言了幾千年,這是一個新時代的誕生。我們正處在所有時間週期(the end of all the yugas)的盡頭,這是我們所知的末日,即將進入一個更加開明的時代。精神的螺旋上升正在滲透並通知他自己的思想範圍,並呼喚我們來到神與人融合的新家。
(譯注:傳統印度思想或印度教中,世界週期以yuga尤加為單位,依序為薩提亞時代(Satya Yuga)、特雷塔時代(Treta Yuga)、德瓦帕爾時代(Dwapar Yuga)、卡利時代(Kali Yuga)。
◇特雷塔時代:是一個精神的時代,人類發現了時間,發明工具,自我心智佔據了世界的主導地位。 人類的心靈交流受到了阻礙,也出現了戰爭。 《羅摩衍那》的故事據說就發生在這個時代。
◆德瓦帕爾時代:人類開始研究科學並發明更多的工具,在精神與物質之間開始作出選擇。 他們意識到了人與人之間的距離,而人與人的交流也要依賴文字。 在這個時代,權力掌握在女人手裡。 據說Krishna的死亡就是這個時代的終結,而《摩訶婆羅多》里就描述了這一段。 在《摩訶婆羅多》的最後人類迎來了卡利時代。
◇卡利時代:物質的時代,男人代替女人掌握了世界的權力。 人們追求物質勝過追求精神。 權力和迷信開始統治人們的精神,神的存在只為少數人所感知,而使得人類瞭解神的方法只剩下宗教。
卡利尤加(Kali Yuga)充滿了各種雜質和惡習。擁有高尚美德的人數正日益減少。洪水和飢荒,戰爭與犯罪,欺騙和欺騙是這個時代的特徵。但是,按經文說,只有在這個危急時刻,才有可能最終獲得解放。 卡利尤加(Kali Yuga)有兩個階段:在第一階段,人類-失去了兩個更高自我的知識-除了身體上的自我之外,還擁有“呼吸體”的知識。然而,現在在第二階段,即使是這種知識也已經荒廢了人類,使我們只對肉體有了認識。這就解釋了為什麼人類現在比實際存在的任何其他方面都更加關注身體的自我。 由於我們全神貫注於身體和下半身,並且由於我們強調追求總體唯物主義,所以這個時代被稱為“黑暗時代”,即我們與內在自我失去聯繫的時代,即愚昧無知。
相關資訊參閱: The 4 Yugas or Epochs of the Huge Hindu Time Scale ( )
Everything the majority on earth thought they knew is about to be turned upside down as the tail wind of the green dragon turns and we are all drawn in another direction, closer to the heart of our creator. The false beliefs based on fear are about to be dissolved and a new matrix based on love, the fundamental principle of the universe, is about to take its place.
We are truly poised on the edge of the awakening. One by one we jump off this precipice and into our true selves: The journey from the ego or conditioned self and into the Atman or true soul. As the Oracle of Delphi said. “Know thyself.”
我們真正處於覺醒的邊緣。我們一個個地跳下懸崖,進入真正的自我:從小我或條件自我到真我或真實靈魂的旅程。正如古希臘的甲骨文所說。 “知道你自己。”
I invite you to consider that we live in a contemplative universe. The reality we perceive is merely a holographic projection of the soul mind. There is no such thing as matter, except as an extension of thought. Even Einstein once mused: “Reality is an illusion: albeit a very persistent one.” What this planet has experienced is a collective hallucination based on the idea that we are separate from the rest of the cosmos and universal spirit.
Given free will, God has let us experience what it’s like to perceive ourselves as separate, lonely beings isolated from the fabric of the universe. The ones we perceive as “controlling” are equally in fear as the ones who are allowing themselves to be “controlled.” That is why they hoarded their gold and felt they never had enough, as they chose to believe they are not connected to source, which is limitless. The ones who have been controlled forgot their divine origins and their power as an immortal being connected to infinite spirit.
Mankind has been trapped on a prison of thought, a paradigm of fear whose skeins have informed every aspect of this matrix. The implicit contract at both ends of the paradigm is the same: Fear rather than faith is a disavowal of God. Hence, the seemingly endless iterations of suffering that have been created.
Consider that as the creator of your own thought universe, you can create love and joy, rather than stories of pain and suffering. Yoke yourself to God and realize that you have the power to reimagine a world of wonder in alignment with higher consciousness. This is the deep leaning for the planet. We are journeying not so much in a forward direction but rather closer to the truth of our fundamental selves.
I had a vision recently where I saw celestial beings surround the planet and throw up a white tent-like mantle and place a divine seal upon it. They proclaimed that the “House of David is here.” Consider we are facing the Goliath-like shadows we have placed upon our mind, which we can dispense with a single slingshot to our third eye, which is the inner eye of the Christ within us all.
We are no longer waiting for Jesus, Krishna, Mohammad, Buddha or any other ascended master to show us the path to our inner light. The resurrection was simply a demonstration that death is not real but merely a transition to another level of consciousness. We need to sit with the cross of our own perceived pain in order to transmute it to a higher level of understanding. In this way, we let go of our ego self and are reborn to our divine selves.
It’s about embodying the light of your inner flame and having a direct communion with the eternal omniscient spirit that informs all things. No longer are we the dreamt but realize ourselves as the dreamers. We are being invited to experience the Christ consciousness within us all. The divine alchemy – the marriage of the divine and the human soul.
In this vision there was a beautiful reservoir of water that cascaded down from the heavens. It was pure water that hadn’t been tainted by fearful thought forms. Water is the mirror of our souls. It shows the architecture of our thoughts (see the inspired photographs of Masaro Emoto if you want evidence). Conversely, divine water, can inform our consciousness.
在這個視野中,有一個美麗的水庫,從天而降。純淨的水沒有被可怕的思想形式所污染。水是我們靈魂的鏡子。它顯示了我們思想的體系結構(如果你需要證據,請參閱Masaro Emoto的啟發照片)。反之,神水可以告知我們意識。
This water contained the divine imprint and is now talking to the waterways of this planet. Water represents the yin which we’ve forgotten. How we’ve treated the water is representative of how we’ve treated the yin or the divine mother within us all. The water of this planet had got to a point that it forgot who it was and how to clean itself, so tainted has been the visions of man. It forgot it loves itself just as we have.
The new multiverse is reinterpreting itself as yin or the feminine aspect. The “yang”, male or mind aspect needs to be tempered through the yin or heart aspect in order to be in accordance with divine law. We are all yin in relationship to God. The mind is the servant of the heart and the hands are but instruments of the divine. When we understand this then life is in flow. The heart is the motherboard that connects us with the beating heart of the cosmos.
新的多元宇宙正在將自己重新詮釋為陰或女性化的一面。 “陽”,“男”或“心”方面需要通過“陰”或“心”方面來調節,以符合上帝的律法。我們與上帝的關係全都是陰。頭腦是心靈的僕人,而手只是神聖的工具。當我們了解了這一點,那麼生命就在流動。心是連接我們和宇宙跳動的心的主板。
When I was beset by this vision, I saw all the interwoven cultural stories that are becoming increasingly madder by the minute. We are being invited to see all these stories of conflict and confusion as a mirror. Walk through the mirror and you will meet your divinity. All the illusions of separation are just a projection of a mind divided against itself. Realize it’s a projection and you can start creating a new divinely inspired narrative based on oneness, rather than duality.
We are all part of the mind of God. When we realize this, we see that we are all sacred. No one is better than the other. All are equal in the eyes of spirit. We are all “the chosen” and there is no need for conflict only cooperation. I once asked spirit: ‘Why all the upsetness on this planet?’ and he said: “Because the journey from dark to light is the song of the universe.”
The polarities of dark and light coming together create the nuclear fission for the ascension into the next dimension. As challenging as looking into the darkness is, consider that it has helped us find and move toward the light. It is helpful to see what is happening on the planet against from a cosmic perspective in order to help us remain centred in faith as we usher in the new age.
Also consider that we are all complicit. Everybody had a hand creating this matrix and it’s our collective lesson. We can no longer afford as a culture to deflect our conscience onto others so we can be good, while they are bad: or blame outside entities for our transgressions. Placing blame is the essence of polarity consciousness. It blocks us from healing the rifts in our community. It feeds the illusion of separation, the “dis-ease” that got humankind here in the first place.
The ones of us who are conscious that we create our universe have a responsibility to curate our thoughts. We need to weed the garden of our own mind. When we don’t see anything but that of our own planting then we can truly be the masters of ourselves. The more we resonate with the new love-based reality and act as channels for divine energy, the smoother the transition for humanity. Let’s metaphysically hold hands and meditate on the wonders of the new multiverse, where Man and God are one.
文章來源: Get Ready for the New Multiverse | Babe Krishna - Voyages of Light
傳導:Babe Krishna