Ascension is not the End of the Journey | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, March 21, 2021


(Golden Age of Gaia)

This article grew out of the research for the book on the Time of Separation, but is not a part of the book.


Is our Ascension the end of evolution?

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase, this time in joy and happiness where all is in harmony and love. (1)
Mike Quinsey的“更高自我:揚昇不是進化的終結,而僅僅是另一個階段的開始,這一次是歡樂和幸福,所有人都是和諧與愛。 (1)

Archangel Michael: The Ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. (2)
大天使麥可:揚昇過程是一個持續的旅程,而不是目的地。 (2)

Divine Mother: Do not think simply because you have arrived in the Fifth Dimension with Gaia that the journey is done. Dear heart, you have only just started. (3)
神聖的母親:不要僅僅因為你已經和蓋亞(Gaia)到達了第五維度就完成了旅程。親愛的,你才剛剛開始。 (3)

Sanat Kumara: And as the density upon the planet became heavier, the adjustments to the Mother’s Plan and the intensity of her energy to Gaia, to Earth, to humanity to ascend to come back full circle to where they were intended to be, grew.

That is why we say that it is not simply an Ascension into the Fifth-Dimensional reality. It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions. (4)
這就是為什麼我們說這不僅僅是對第五維度現實的揚昇。它將繼續下去,並且形式上的自由是能夠體驗不同的現實和維度的自由。 (4)


Have we done the Mother’s Will?

Divine Mother: What you as lightworkers and beloved loveholders have been doing is truly… and I have been urging you – except for a few whose job it is to not engage with the recalcitrant, the… hmmm… not the fence-sitters so much but those who are truly resistant – to not, other than sending love, reinforce them or participate in any way, because I do not want that behaviour reinforced.

So you have been creating for what some people are feeling – and what I have declared – an alternate pathway. Now eventually, sweet angel, these pathways reconverge, so do not think I am just throwing out half the population; I am not.

But as you have been creating this alternative pathway, you’ve been saying to those who are on the chaos pathway, “Come over here; look how nice it is, look how kind it is, look how gentle it is, look how loving it is. Come over here!”

And many, many, they may not be declaring themselves as loveholders or lightworkers, but they are shifting and they are thinking, “Yeah, you know, that really doesn’t work for me,” and “I’ve been trying this way for so long and I am exhausted.”

And ‘exhausted’ in this situation is good, because when you are really exhausted, you allow the riptide as it were to the current to simply carry you. And when you have that level of surrender, I guarantee I will carry you safely back to shore. (5)
而且在這種情況下“精疲力竭”是好事,因為當你真正精疲力盡時,你可以讓潮流如潮水般順暢地攜帶你。當你臣服,我保證我會安全地將你帶回岸上。 (5)


What will lightworkers feel when it’s all over?

Divine Mother: The sense that lightworkers and my beloved warriors of peace and my sweet angels of blue and all the lovebearers will feel, the exuberance, the sense of victory – not in an egoic sense but a sense of “we did it!” – for all of you who have truly persisted will be enormous. (6)
神聖的母親:光之工作者,我心愛的和平戰士,藍色的甜蜜天使和所有愛心人士會感到一種興旺的勝利感,這不是自我意義,而是“我們做到了!” –對於所有真正堅持不懈的人來說,將是巨大的。 (6) 





(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 20, 2020, at

(2) Archangel Michael in “Ronna Vezane ~ Integrating Your New Divine Blueprint,” January 2, 2020, at

(3) “Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Change, September 3, 2013, Part 1/2,” September 6, 2013, through Linda Dillon, at

(4) “Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara, August 13, 2013, Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, at

(5) “Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!,”channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017 at

(6) Loc. cit.


文章來源: Ascension is not the End of the Journey | Steve Beckow - Voyages of Light

傳導:Steve Beckow


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