

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine two people are standing next to each other. A new person comes to stand between them. Suppose we asked the original two, "On which side is the new person standing?" One would answer truthfully, "They're on my left. " The other would answer truthfully, "They're on my right." It is easy to see in this example that each person – answering from their individual position, perspective and point of view is telling their truth.

Likewise, suppose we placed a piece of chocolate in front of two people, and asked them, "Is this good for you?" The person who doesn't eat sugar would reply vehemently, "Absolutely not!" The person who takes delight in sweets would answer, "Absolutely yes!" Again, who is right? We would suggest that, from their unique position, perspective, and point of view, they both are. Each is sharing their truth.

"What if," the one who loves chocolate argues, "no one enjoys chocolate anymore. The chocolate shops in the world will disappear. I will no longer have the freedom to buy and eat chocolate unless I grow and grind my own beans. It's not fair! You should like chocolate too!" The other says, "My goodness, if everyone eats like you do, they'll be sick! My health insurance costs will go up and I'll end up paying for people who aren' t responsible for their health. I'm not supporting that!" Who is right? Again, each one is sharing their truth. Each one is living in the reality they believe in.

It would be far more useful if the one who doesn't like chocolate said, "How wonderful you are choosing what delights you! I am so happy you have found what resonates. I think I'll go ahead and give you my chocolate. " The other answers, "Thank you! I hope you find other ways to enjoy sweetness in your life that resonate with you. Perhaps you'll find my love and acceptance sweet!" They hug and go their way in peace – one to the chocolate shop and another to enjoy a garden-fresh meal.

So you see, the question is not whether or not you are right. You are always right in your own mind and reality. A better question than "Am I right," might be, "Is my position, perspective, and point of view useful? Does it make me happy? If not, can I find a more positive and powerful point of view? "

Project this idea into the questions so many disagree about upon your earth, "Who is the right leader for a country?" "Are vaccines good for you?" "Are masks effective?" "Explain why?"

If you ask a million people to answer these questions – through their unique position, perspective, and point of view – they would give you a million slightly different answers! We ask you to consider this. Who is right? Who is wrong?

There are still many people upon your earth who believe the world is flat. They've done their math, come up with their arguments and in their reality the world is flat. It would take someone brave enough to set prior conceptions and explore beyond the limits they perceive, in order to experience the world as round. "Ah ha!" you say! "They're crazy! The world IS round," and we would say to those of you who insist on this truth, that according to your position, perspective, science, and point of view, it is round. Again, it would take a person brave enough to set aside prior conceptions of physicality and explore beyond the 3D to experience to see your "round world" as simply a symphony of energetic vibrations in relationship to other energetic vibrations! In this more expanded view reality, it is neither flat, round, or even solid, but rather a dance of frequencies!
地球上依舊有著很多人相信世界是平的。他們做了計算,得出了結論,在他們的現實中世界是平的。這需要足夠的勇氣去設置概念並超越他們感知到的局限,以便體驗世界是圓的。 “啊哈!”你說道! “他們瘋了!世界是圓的,”我們對堅持這個真理的人說,根據你的位置、視角、科學、觀點,它是圓的。再次,這需要一個人足夠勇敢去把肉體的概念放到一邊並超越3D去探索以便看到你的“圓世界”是一個能量振動的交響樂。在這個更加擴展的現實,它既不是平的、圓的、甚至固體的,而是一個頻率之舞。

So who is right? Who is wrong? We would answer again, all of you. Each one of you, given your paradigm, position, perspectives, and points of view has your own truth. Your truth is right for you. What gives you the greatest joy; what feels like the most love – for you – is right for you.

This is a radical 5D concept in a 3D world. So many of you are dead-certain you must know "the truth" about any given thing upon your planet earth. And yet, we ask you to question, "Why?" In some cases, there is good reason. In some situations you want to know what is true so you can take appropriate action.

However, in many cases, there is no positive purpose in trying to dig up, justify, or demand agreement for "the truth" when in reality you can more joyfully focus simply on living "your truth." For example, someone tells you " this is good for you" and "that is bad." "You should eat greens." "You shouldn't drink coffee." "You should get a vaccine." "You shouldn't get a vaccine?" What to do in a world of so many varying truths that are often at-odds?

Dear ones, there is one truth that will never fail you, and that is the truth of God's love and God's guidance... for you, personally, as you live your life day by day. Tune into that when you are confused and you 'll get answers that are right... for you.

"Dear God, is this resonant with me? Is this supporting my intentions?" Whether it be a food, a supplement, a treatment protocol, or a pair of shorts you will get a feeling of yes or no. You will get "your truth" straight to your body and mind's "energetic in-box" via feeling or knowing, words, or imagery. If you're not certain turn back to God and your angels, "I think you said this, but I'm not certain. Please try other ways to get the message to me."
“親愛的神,這與我共鳴嗎?這支持我的意圖嗎?”無論是食物、補品、治療方案還是一條短褲,你會得到一個是與不是的感覺。 “你的真理”會直接進入你的身體和頭腦的“郵箱”,通過感受或知曉、話語或畫面。如果你不確定,再次轉向神和天使“我想你說了這個,但我不確定。請用別的方式再把信息發給我。”

There is a "truth" for you on any given topic, in any given moment, that guides you along a path of least resistance to love. There is a "truth" that leads you closer to the Love of the Divine, which is ultimate truth.

So how do you make this practical? Suppose you like one political leader and your friend likes another. Each of you has your own truth, and you don't agree. If you are both emotionally mature, you can agree to disagree, dig deeper , and share the ideals you espouse rather than insisting one leader or another is better. You can agree to avoid the topic and have more uplifting dialogues on things that interest you both. If one insists on demanding agreement, the other is likely to walk away and find those with whom he or she resonates with more easily.

Is there an absolute "right" or "wrong" here? Certainly not about which leader is best. Certainly not about what course of action is best, for ultimately the two souls involved must decide for themselves. We have no judgments whatsoever in the heavens ! However, we do know that allowing others to have their own truths, while allowing yourself to have your own, frees up tremendous energy for you live the happiest life possible. If you live according to your own inner compass, you are always steered towards people, situations, and opportunities that resonate more easily with you. You allow others to do the same.

Next time you feel a need to insist on being more "right" than another, ask yourself, "Can I simply be OK being right for myself?" "Do I really need others to agree with me, or am I just afraid they' ll force their views on me if I don't defend my own?" "Does my need to be right come from fear, a need for love, a need to be seen as more intelligent, to feel more competent or more helpful than another ?" "Does my need to be right come from a fear that another I care about can't find their way?" Can you simply accept your truth, knowing what you resonate with? Really dig deep. Why is it so important to be "right" for anyone but yourself?

Next time someone else insists they are more right than you, listen with love and simply be content knowing your own truth. You don't have to agree with them and you don't need their agreement.

If you are right within yourself, right within your own soul, living your personal truths, and listening to the Divine within, you will know the absolute truth of the Love that lives within you. You will feel happy, free, settled in yourself, and joyful.

When you are in agreement with yourself in your inner world, you will not require agreement from the outer world.

You need not fear the decisions and truths of others. You need not feel victimized by external circumstances because you will realize that living your truth, living in alignment with the Divine within, you can create any experience of reality that you wish to enjoy!

There are as many "truths" on a given topic as there are human beings upon your earth. There will be agreement on many things, but never on everything. It doesn't matter, dear ones. Go within. Find your deeper truths and live according to them.

You are guided – each one of you – individually, by the Divine, each one along the path of least resistance to love; each one of you being gently steered ever closer to the deepest Truth of all. You are sourced from Love. It is Love that breathes the very breath of life into you. It is Love that makes your heart beat and keeps galaxies turning. It is, and always has been, Divine Love leading each of you on unique and beautiful pathways, like a multitude of rivers running their individual course, all returning to the vast Ocean of Love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels





傳導:Ann Albers


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