Dear Ones,
Many of you are bidding time until this or that happens. Expecting that you will be happy once that event occurs. Yet, when that event becomes a reality, you look forward to the next event and the next. That is not to say you should not dream about your future, but instead, focusing on the future negates your life minute by minute.
That last statement is not new or even that memorable. What is memorable is you are evolving so rapidly that what you dream of will have little meaning when that future arrives.
In your 3D past, your dreams were somewhat expected given the parameters of your world. Leaving home, obtaining employment, securing a romantic relationship, finding a comfortable home, travel, other forms of entertainment, retirement, and death. Of course, dreams were somewhat different for the ends of the economic layers of your society, but all in all, those dreams were established at a young age and continued throughout your 3D life.
You are no longer on a straight trajectory of expectations.
You are a new being shifting daily. So are your dreams and expectations. To dream of what could be tomorrow instead of enjoying today is wasting your life.
Nothing is or will be as it was. Allow yourself the freedom to be minute by minute. The items you now wish for may not have validity for you tomorrow.
You are a new being in a new earth. Stop wasting your time wishing for a specific future.
What is happening now is similar to when you were a youngster – deciding one day you wanted to be a ballerina, the next a doctor, the next a cowgirl, or a fireman. Your parents humored you and allowed you to pretend such was going to happen. Yet, when you were old enough to fully understand your interests, you decided to become a mechanical engineer –something you did not know existed when you were young.
So it is now. You are just beginning to understand who you are. There are no books or other materials that can point you in your beyond 3D maturity for you are evolving. And that which you decide once you achieve your beyond 3D maturity might not yet be invented or available.
You forerunners are creating anew, including yourselves. In 2020, you built your foundation. Now, you are building your structure without books, building plans, or any source of outside knowledge. Your new structure is within you.
At the same time, that which is within you is evolving rapidly. So what you dream of today will be outdated by next week. There is no need to pine for something you wish for in the future. Any more than you did as a youngster when your tutu was lost, only to discover that your policeman outfit was even more fun to wear.
Many of you are perhaps wondering how we can place you in the youngster category once again when we have informed you of your new you maturity on several occasions. Such is so for an obvious reason. As you accept more energies, you continue to evolve in ways you do not yet understand.Perhaps the best way to understand that concept is to remember you were considered an adult at 21 even though your adult interests and achievements shifted dramatically in the ensuing decades. So it is now.
You have no framework to understand how you might differ today from next month. Your only clue is what interests you today. Which is similar to most children's approach. When a youngster wakes up, they do not have a day planner – at least in earlier generations. He or she just moves as their interests take them. Perhaps a bike ride, playing with dolls, running to a neighbors house, or a game of softball. It does not matter for children fill their days with what is interesting without much thought about the next day.
So it is for you now. What interests you? And again, “who are you?” Not, “who are you becoming? or who do you want to be?” but “who are you this minute, this hour, this day ?”
Your future will find itself.
If you attempt to put yourself in a box of rightness by negating the day and wishing for your future, you will lose your childlike sparkle of interest and joy. Of finding or creating the new. Of becoming yourself without the shoulds and interests of others. So be it. Amen.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman