

Dear Ones,
Your world might appear upside down. What you once thought is no more, and you cannot yet feel or sometimes even see the future. Will governments fall? Will illness dominate the world forever? Has your world become so small you cannot remember how you once felt about much of anything?
Such is so because you are in a void of sorts. You are between two worlds, neither of which has fully claimed you. Your outer world is in chaos, and your inner world is confused, “Who am I?” “What are my new interests?” “Why don't I have any interests?”
So it is you attempt to grasp your 3D feelings, but they are not comfortable. Then you try to meditate, exercise or talk your way into your new life – with few notable changes. You are betwixt and between.
Your feelings or actions will not always be as they are now. You are merely trying to dance between two worlds –neither of which seems completely comfortable. You are irate with yourself when you become too enmeshed in your old 3D thoughts or actions. Yet, you cannot seem to contact or interact with your new being.
Such has happened before in your other transition phases, but likely never to the extent occurring now. For your former go-to meditations, actions, or thoughts do not provide the same sense of peace and security. You then resort to 3D fear with 3D companions only to discover that doing so is difficult for your physical being.

Your overriding question is, “When will I feel comfortable in my being again?” For you feel lost, alone, frightened – all pieces you thought you had negated months or years ago.
Your reactions are to be expected. The same happened in 3D whenever you shifted major parts of your life. Leaving your home of origin, marriage, or a stable relationship, a new job, parenthood, aging – all phases you eventually adjusted to. What is happening now is very similar. You have been saying good-bye to 3D (your earth home of origin) for some time now. The difference is you are discovering you need to move outside your inner-being to do so. For this transition phase is about shifting your outer actions instead of addressing your new being from within.
You have been softly buffeted from needing to display your new actions throughout much of this COVID-19 time. You were “allowed” to hunker down at home doing, feeling, and acting as you wish instead of having to project certain images to the world . Of course, many of you did so while enmeshed in the 3D world despite COVID-19. You are truly the bravest of the brave.
All of you have completed your cocooning, your inner-world work. It is time to pick up your building blocks and create your new outer-being. The outer-being that emphasizes the growth you experienced within throughout much of 2020.
Such is similar to your first professional job after college. Even though you were proud of obtaining that job, you were also terrified you could not perform as expected by you or your employer. So you likely did not sleep well the first days of your new job, wondering if you could master the expectations that seemed foreign after spending years in coursework assisted by professors and books. You had to perform –often with minimal instruction – as you discovered how your personality meshed with the job requirements. For just as you studied differently than others in college, you discovered you performed the job differently than someone else might or did.
So it is now. You are worried that you do not have enough skills to perform your new beyond 3D actions, that you must have more time or more information. You need neither more time nor information. You are ready to create your new role with your new personality and needs.

In truth, you are beyond ready. An indication such is so is that you can not participate in 3D chaos as was true before 2020. You are no longer a fence walker – jumping between 3D and beyond 3D. You are beyond 3D in skills and interests. So it is your physical body probably informs you of that truth whenever you attempt to return to 3D.
Of course, your need to return to 3D chaos seems relevant now. Surely, you are skilled enough to see the earth through one more or a few more chaotic months. But as your physical body likely indicates, such is not true. You are no longer needed in the 3D world. Your role is to point the light to the future instead of drowning your light in the chaos of the past. Your 3D fears and fights are over.
If or when you attempt to return to 3D, your physical body loudly proclaims you are on the wrong path. In 3D, something similar happened but likely not to the same degree. The wrong 3D school, job, relationship, or community often displayed itself in depression, physical difficulties, or fear. But you had books, videos, and people to help you understand what you were feeling and why. Such is no longer true for those of you of the forefront are, in essence, writing the books about your new beings.
The fear you are now feeling is likely more about your new future than 3D misgivings. And the only way through that fear is to move through and to your new world. The 3D chaos will be addressed by those in waves following those of you at the forefront. Your role or job is merely to be.
你現在感到的恐懼可能更多是關於你新的未來而不是3D的擔憂。唯一通過那個恐懼的方式就是通往你的新世界。 3D的混亂會被那些跟在你身後的波浪解決。你的角色或工作只是成為。
You have no need to look back or correct that which is no longer part of you. Anymore than was true after leaving any 3D job. Most likely, you hoped for the best outcome for your 3D successor or those co-workers who were part of your heart. But you never contemplated moving to a new job while continuing to perform your former job tasks. That job was over. So it is for you now.
Job one is finding and following your interests. The job you have moved beyond is caretaking 3D chaos. So be it. Amen.




傳導:Brenda Hoffman


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