On the Solstice | Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart
December 19, 2020


I am Ashtar Sheran with a message for all upon planet Earth.
The December 21st solstice is upon you. It is upon us all. We of the celestial realms have looked forward to this day, as it is a time where the timelines are to begin to split.
到了12月21日冬至。 它在我們所有人身上。天體層面的我們都期待著這一天,因為這是時間線開始分裂的時候。

The fifth dimension will now be available to those upon earth. Those ready, those who have done their work, those who have already had extraterrestrial contact and those who are of unity consciousness, all knowing, all loving, with higher connection, can now ascend to 5D. They will still have access to the fourth dimension for now but this will begin to fade over the next few years, and earth will have her first true split again as it was in days of yore.
第五維現在對地球上的人可用。 那些準備好了、已經完成工作的人、已經進行過外星人接觸的人以及具有統一意識的人,都知道,都充滿愛心,有著更高的聯繫,現在可以提升到5D了。 他們現在仍然可以使用第四次元,但是在接下來的幾年中,這將逐漸消失,地球將再次像她過去的幾天那樣第一次真正分裂。
The fourth dimension will still be as it is now; a combination of the positive and the negative, the primary carrier of duality for Gaia, with less of the dark and more of the Light being shown to you the higher you ascend through it. 4D has twelve levels and many are at the higher levels now; some are in the lower levels. Your ascension rate is determined entirely by your activity level and how much effort you expend looking at your lessons and creating positive learning experiences from them.
第四維將保持不變。正面和負面的結合,是蓋亞二元性的主要載體,隨著它的提升,向你顯示的暗越少,光越多。 4D有十二個級別,現在有許多處於更高級別。有些在較低的級別。你的提升率完全取決於你的活動水平以及你在學習課程、並從中獲得積極的學習經驗時所花費的精力。

As for the third dimension, it will continue its path towards demise. Being an artificial timeline, it is fated to destruction the fewer people carry its false matrix, and the fewer people are actually living within that frequency. You may notice that some of the third dimensional mindset are now taking ill and dying. Those who die from Covid are also of this frequency and their death was part of the destruction of this timeline. Covid targets particularly the elderly, who have lived on this third dimensional timeline their entire lives and are usually believers in its tenets. Now they are to leave you, either to ascend through non-physical states or to be reincarnated again upon other third dimensional planets.
至於第三維,它將繼續走向滅亡的道路。作為人為的時間線,注定要毀滅的人越少,攜帶其假矩陣的人數就越少,實際上在該頻率範圍內生活的人數就越少。你可能會注意到,某些三維思維方式正在生病和垂死。死於病毒的人也是如此,他們的死亡是這一時間軸毀滅的一部分。 該病毒尤其針對老年人,他們一生都在這個三維時間軸上生活,並且通常信奉其宗旨。現在它們要離開你,要么通過非物質狀態升起,要么再次轉世到其他三維行星上。

Not to worry; all is well. All is going according to plan. Never fear. The dark ones will be eradicated and the Light will come back to earth in stronger measures.

I am Ashtar and I remain at your service.





YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega




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