The Part of Yourself that Knows All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited to introduce all of you to a side of yourselves that you may not have known existed. We are referring to the side of yourselves that knows everything. There is a part of you, and it is inside of you, that understands the consequences of every action. There is a side of you that knows what you are moving towards in every moment. There is a side of you that knows about the entirety of your history in all of your lifetimes, and that part of you does not exist anywhere near your physical mind.
Now, many of you use your physical minds to try to understand where you are going, what a choice will lead to, and where you have been, but your minds are much better off focusing you on the present moment. This is why the meditation is so valuable. In meditation, you are focusing on the here and now. You are focusing on what you are doing in the moment, which is breathing.
We know that some of you already tap in to this side of yourselves that knows everything that you could ever possibly know. We are talking about the area of your heart that is right in the center of it. Now, you have often been pushed away from your feelings by others.
Others have diminished the importance of your feelings, and most of your lives, there has been an emphasis on your intelligence, your ability to recall information, and your ability to figure things out. But that all keeps you in a state of perpetual limitation.
In order to truly tap in to what it is that you have access to, you need to feel into that place in the center of your heart where all is known. So we recommend that you focus there more often. We recommend that you shift your consciousness from your head to your heart, and we certainly recommend that you follow the advice that comes from that very wise part of who you are, not just in matters of the heart, not just when it comes to your emotions and your relationships.
We are talking about listening to your heart no matter what the circumstance and trusting in that part of yourselves that is infinite and eternal. At the center of your hearts lies a portal that connects you directly to Source, and that’s what we want you to feel for from now on whenever you are curious about something, you want to know something, or you are about to make a decision in your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導 Daniel Scranton