Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you with great news. You and the earth have made it through the gateway to the new universe, your new tomorrow. We offer you the utmost congratulations for what you have achieved. It is truly miraculous.
Our ships are in the sky and we have been celebrating. What is occurring now is a fantastic fete. We continue to hold the energies for this evolutionary cycle in the history of creation. The earth moving into the Golden Age is phenomenal. It has required enormous effort from all of the lightworkers stationed on the earth, from us, the Galactic's, and from all of creation. Truly, this has been a long time coming. It is the great awakening.
As we observe the changes with you and the planet, we marvel at the light and expanded spiritual consciousness. Never before has a planet risen from the darkness to such an extent. The truth about the dark ones and their secrets is coming to light. This information may be disheartening and shocking. However, one must take it in and process it as best they can if they want to remain on the earth. There will be some who will not be able to receive the information and will continue to have a third dimensional experience, or something else. For those who are awakened, we recommend that you continue holding the light of the 5th dimension and higher. We know how much you want to bring your friends, family and loved ones along with you, but that may not be their choice.