目前分類:天使與女神 (177)

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,


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Greetings beloved humanity. This is Archangel Uriel. This one has been surprised to have been thinking of me as we have not knowingly connected within this incarnation before. You will find that past relationships, alliances and spiritual causes unite within these end of times. These are times of new beginnings upon your Gaia. Joys are to become expected. Currently fear is the expected experience and we see this heavy layer of fear is dissipating in this now. (I am seeing a thick smog around earth with pinpoints of light coming up through the fog from deep within). You are like these small pinpoints of light that affect the All around it. The light cannot be stopped. Your light shines out into the cosmos much farther than you could imagine. Your light is impacting the whole.I Uriel am proud to be of service to Humanity in this time of tumultuous change where confusion seems to surpass wisdom. It is not the case. Inner wisdom is such to be received not searched for. Humanity must look within for there will deep nurturing take place.

I am Archangel Uriel. You are deeply held within the eye of the beholder. You will come to understand that all that you see around you are extensions of the vastness of consciousness that makes up all things. In truth the all is affected by itself for the All is One. When the out-of-balance occurs as the light stretches further into experience, when this occurs and there is disharmony it opens a way for more negative of the same vibration to enter. Know this. Portals are being closed. Exits are being strictly locked down. The light has won.

I Archangel Uriel work mostly with the red ray. It is symbolically linked with the base chakra where one is compelled to serve. We archangels are serving you in this moment as we have been for many eons. We wish to ask the Archangelic Collective to join in a positive meditation of rainbow light. For when one focuses on the blending of the energies and intentions with the light of the rainbow, all is in balance, perfectly, an apt example of balance and love, of harmony and connection. Because of this power those that would wish to create dissension have utilized this symbol for their own purposes. It need not be divisive. In Nova Gaia there is no room for division. It is a realm of unity consciousness where the chakras are expanded and clear, where all truths are seen keenly.We invite the Archangelic Collective to serve with us in this now moment of clearing and energetic upgrade.

We are the Archangelic Collective. We are stationed around various portal points upon your planet in this now, each offering our preferred ray of light. (I am seeing angels surrounding Gaia at key Ley lines and energy points, at earth's chakra points, offering their color to amplify the earth's energetic balance). We wish for you to feel the balance of the rainbow energies. For only those who are at peace with themselves are able to see with clear sight. There is so much current stress and strife within your world view of what is and what is not. Humanity must be redeemed from its own self judgement and perception of lack. There is no lack. There is plenty. To see this as so is to see with the ascended vision that is being offered to you now. (I am seeing pillars of light filled with rainbow hues saturate the bodies of the light workers).Do not let the outer chaos disturb your inner sanctuary. All is well. We are the Archangelic Collective. We serve the light, ever, only, always, we honor the light in all forms. We are near you. We love you. We offer you our rainbow light of balance, furthering your crystallization transformation. We are the Archangelic Collective.




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Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss manifesting with higher consciousness.

Much new higher dimensional energy is reaching your planet. It is inviting you to incorporate it into your own energy field to allow your consciousness to rise to a higher level.


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Greetings Beloved Ones,


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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We are so proud of each and every one of you. You have been working hard to reap the gifts offered by this extremely challenging year of contrast upon your earth. You have been diligently striving to gently shift your thoughts towards ones that make you feel better. You have been doing your best to stay out of fear. This is the work your soul came to do.

You wanted to create from the arena of contrasts. You wanted to grow into mastery of your mind, so you could master your own energy. You wanted to use your free will to aim the power that creates worlds in directions that please you and thus allow the expansion of the Divine. This year, more than any before in recent history has afforded you an opportunity for amazing growth and therefore, amazing grace.

Some of you are chafing at the bits, ready to get going with life, but not yet motivated to act. Some of you have surrendered to truly enjoying your time under current conditions. Some of you have gone inward to create your future from the inside out. Some of you have been working non-stop to assist in healing, delivering, re-birthing, and more. Many of you are feeling exhausted and in need of great rest.

Wherever you find yourself at this time, remind yourself, it is OK. I am perfect exactly where I am. I am feeling exactly what I need to feel now. My feelings are my guidance. If I am tired, I am being guided to rest. If I am energized and inspired, I'm being guided to act. If I dream of the future but don't want to act, I'm being guided to dream and create in my inner world. Trust. Don't compare yourself with others. You are on a unique and beautiful path which has been defined by your very own desires.

Embracing the here and now is actually the quickest path to your dreams.Finding loving thoughts in the here and now ensures more love later. Appreciating the abundance you have in any area will increase your abundance in every area. Sleeping when you are tired, moving when you are energized, eating when you are hungry, are all ways in which you can honor your guidance. You want to feel good, so when you have thoughts that don't, continue to gently switch them one by one.

You are tired of a non-stop barrage of negativity and conflict, so give yourself permission to disengage. You are weary from having to “defend your position” so give yourself permission to simply listen to others rather than having to explain yourselves, unless of course you enjoy it.

Just be yourself in a given moment. Instead of asking, “What should I be doing? ” ask instead, “What do I feel like doing?” and trust any feeling that feels good and loving to you. We understand many of you have to work, keep schedules, etc., but you can always ask, “What do I feel like doing?” and then at the first available opportunity honor that. Trust.

You are all doing such amazing work upon your planet. We would love to help you see yourselves through our eyes. You would see your courage, your tenacity, your beautiful love and concern for our Mother earth, your love for all souls, even the ones that drive you crazy. You would see your sweet, sensitive, strong and caring hearts. You would see yourselves as nothing less than the Divine embodied in so many perfect, beautiful, precious forms.

Don't be hard upon yourselves. Trust that where you are at is exactly where you need to be. Trust that if you feel like doing (or not doing) something and the thought feels kind or loving, that is your guidance. Trust that there is nothing wrong with you, no matter how you feel – whether you are joyous or working through grief.

This has been an exquisitely challenging year. You are still going through change as your Mother earth continues to release her pressures and cleanse the energies that have been stagnant for so long. You are, in many cases, facing highly charged political decisions. Nonetheless, if your guidance is to rest, rest. If you guidance is to ignore the world's problems and tend to your own vibration, by all means do so. If your feeling is to act, act.

As you honor your own feelings, rather than contrasting and comparing yourselves with others or superficial standards – as you do what feels like love to you in a given moment – you allow yourself to feel the energy that creates worlds moving in you and through you. In this reality your very existence is a gift to the world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels




傳導:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan


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The Next Step by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 




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Greetings humanity, we are the Archangelic Collective. Nine of us are speaking to you simultaneously as one in this now, for numerically 9 is the appropriate number in this now. (Looking up 9 numerology represents completion but not finality). We see our ground team holding strong. The days of polishing the armor for preparedness are long over, you have been in the thick of the energy frequency wars and you are well acquainted with suffering. The number 9 is symbolic for those who have humanitarian interests at heart, for those who have seen suffering and processed their pain behind it, ready to serve the world. We are all serving Gaia, just as are you, reading these words. We serve, we support. We lend our light and wisdom. And yet we are continually being blessed by this cycle of giving, for our strength and wisdom, for understanding and insight is always deepened in this process. Where this one is the fall colors are changing. Such is the collective rainbow of energy frequency withi n the human collective.


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My dear friends, we love you so very much,


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Greetings dearest ones I Am Archangel Metatron.


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God said:

When you and a friend or loved one seem to be at an impasse, leave off.


How can you love and care so much about each other, and yet, at the same time, be so angry and so small with each other. All that you object to comes from a flaw within yourself that you paste on as blame on another. It is short-range thinking. It is not truly a range at all. This is like your choosing a path you disdain.



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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Universal Protection Protocol 2020
Protection protocol 2020 

You may try this morning and evening 


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Call to Action, for freedom in good health for all of humanity



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Galactic Fleet in Earth’s Orbit

A short situation update. 



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「è—天 å…費圖片ã€çš„圖片æœå°‹çµæžœ

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Open your hearts to receiving the love that is all around you Breathe. Imagine your heart opening as a flower opens to the sun. It is in a state of open heartednes that you can receive all the gifts and guidance life has to offer.




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